Assassin's Creed: Origins (Review/Rant)


Brown Belt
Apr 23, 2020
Reaction score
Let me start off by saying the game is excellent. For the first 10-15 hours it's really a lot of fun. Egypt is beautiful, the game plays great, I was loving it.

But it doesn't take too long for the grind to set in. The game becomes repetitive and forces you to do a bunch of meaningless side quests in order to level up high enough to continue the main quest.

The side quests are pretty much all the same. Find clues, escort someone or kill people. Did I mention the hundreds of camps to clear? Like how many goddamn camps are there? Lol

Last 8-10 hours of the game I really had to push through. Rushed it skipping all the cut scenes just to get to the end.

Why does Ubisoft games feel like a checklist? The game could be cut down to 15 hours if it wasn't for all the bloat. The fact that they have an online store where they sell XP says a lot. Like people are actually willing to pay real money on a full priced game to skip the annoying grind. Says a lot about their games.

I also feel like Far Cry and Assassin's Creed are very much alike. In terms of climbing towers, discovering new regions, clearing a million outposts.

Ubisoft really need to reinvent themselves. Put some love into their games. A game isn't supposed to feel like a job. You aren't supposed to get burnt out trying to get to the end.

People who can finish Odyssey or Valhala are insane. I hear they're twice as long.
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It was my favorite of the last three games. It was short and sweet compared to Odyssey and Valhalla. Story was the best by far.

Odyssey was gorgeous and spartan kicking people off stuff was probably my favorite thing in the entire series but the mercenaries and the sheer amount of inventory management killed it for me.

Valhalla was my second favorite. I sank like 150 hours into it but that was mostly because i happened to be playing during Covid lockdowns.

But yes, all three were too long. I feel like the whole leveling up by numbers system is dated and needs to be improved somehow. There has to be a better way that feels more organic than simply bumping up a Stat when you do enough side crap.
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Sounds like a step backwards, and the fact that it's in Egypt...again, tells me it's a recycled asset cash grab.

Personally, I never want to play a "traditional" AC game ever again. The RPG games weren't perfect, and perhaps even wore it's welcome out with the apparent gargantuan 'Valhalla", but it was a much needed change in direction.

For me to get invested in a more traditional stealth/action AC game, they'd have to pretty much reinvent the entire mechanics of the game, and make it as robust and creative as something like Hitman. I'm so done with the wonky parkour, tailing missions, "eavesdropping", etc. It's just a series that never really evolved past AC2, and I don't see the point in going back to that style of game, unless they're really gonna shake things up.
I played Origins several years ago, but I did like it quite a bit.

I dont really have a problem with "bloat" as I dont play big open world games all the time. If I played two or three back to back I imagine it would grow old to me too.
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All I have to say is Bayek's story is heartbreaking and the soundtrack perfectly captures the somber mood of the narrative.
Sounds like a step backwards, and the fact that it's in Egypt...again, tells me it's a recycled asset cash grab.
No, this is one criticism that isn't fair. Just about everything is unique, and gorgeous. The map layout, the textures, all of it. The game is beautiful.
I stopped playing AC after Ezio's arch. It didn't seem like there was much of a story left to pursue but I'm willing to be proven wrong as it was probably my favorite franchise ever. I was also sort of annoyed that they never settled into the present and has a modern hashashin vs Templar war.
Odyssey was by far the best of the new games imo. Took what was good about the new gameplay, added in the seafaring of Black Flag. Had diverse islands that seemed to have a bit of individual character. Hunting down the templars in that game was actually fun too. Best game world of any AC game.

Good times.
I stopped playing AC after Ezio's arch. It didn't seem like there was much of a story left to pursue but I'm willing to be proven wrong as it was probably my favorite franchise ever. I was also sort of annoyed that they never settled into the present and has a modern hashashin vs Templar war.

Would definitely suggest playing Black Flag and Odyssey, those games are great.
No, this is one criticism that isn't fair. Just about everything is unique, and gorgeous. The map layout, the textures, all of it. The game is beautiful.

My brain took a shit. I thought this was the new game for some reason. The one that's supposed to be more like the older games. Disregard the post.

"Origins" was cool.
I enjoyed it, but I guess the old man in me enjoys getting tons of hours out of a game as opposed to 10-20. I also enjoy history so I sure that plays a part of my love for the entire series.