Media Aspen Ladd's corner

Just Miesha sticking her big ass nose where it doesn't belong
When Teddy Atlas refused to let his fighter sit and screamed at him motivating him to win he's a legend. The bullshit thing about this is she had come back with a KO we would all celebrate the same tactic.
Coach was a little rough but I've heard Bill Parcells and other NFL coaches be much tougher. Aspen wasn't there mentally last night. By her Ig it looks like a girl that would rather be hiking than fighting.
If THAT is abuse, then every football coach I ever played for should be in jail.

This world is soft as fuck.
I thought it would be way worse.

That actually sounded like pretty good coaching to me.
I can’t believe people think this is ok. This is the problem with basically every female fighter getting fucked by their coaches, the sexism is rampant. Context matters. This wasn’t just a coach, it was a boyfriend taking advantage of her most vulnerable situation to shit on her and ask her what she’s doing. She’s getting beat up asshole what do you think she’s doing? She knows how to fight and needed a change in mentality and this guy just dug in the negativity because he’s a jealous loser.
Does she though?
lol wtf
this is what people are so triggered about???

this is one of those weird double standards in MMA where people want women to fight but they don't want them to be treated like men

GSP tore his groin and greg jackson told him to hit his opponent with his groin
henry hooft always yells at his fighters in his corner
khabib's coaches were pissed with him when he was fighting al iaquinta because he wasn't sticking to the gameplan

some fighters need to be yelled at and told they're losing, that's what works to motivate them. it doesn't for others. but to say this is abuse is infantilizing if you just call it out when it happens to a woman.
In Muay Thai isnt there a thing called "round 6"??

Where if you lose the fight u go back to the trainer centre and your coach beats the shit out of you?

Aspenn Ladd missed weight for her previous fight and then completely shat the bed on this one, she deserves to fry.
This is normal coaching. No slaps
yet no one says shit when it is a male fighter.

guess what, it is acceptable for both male and female fighters. its a fight. get over it.
So basically, it's only "abuse" because she lost. If she came out like a ball of fire and won like in her previous fight, we would be calling it "the best corner ever."

She was doing better in the fight after he started getting on her ass. It was clearly working more than the alternative approach was.
I’m pretty sure that’s what almost any fighter wants to hear because from what it sounds like when this happens they don’t realiZe it until after the fact . Like u have to get through to them in the moment she realizes that. This is what everyone in the world wants to say to tyron woodly during his fights. Like what are you doing . I would not let a student go in there and take shots and not fight to win . Fighting isn’t a game. There is no pussy footing
If this is what constitutes being too hard on someone nowadays... wow. Society has gotten soft as fuck.
I watched because of the allegations of abuse. Leaving not seeing any abuse. He was very critical yes. But it was like he knew what she could do and should have done so much more. He was trying to summon that Ladd.