Ask it anything!


Red Belt
Oct 30, 2015
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Youre out in the woods fuckin around making baskets, harvesting tasty mushrooms and shit when a strange little creature approaches you. It tells you it knows absolutely everything that was, is and will be and you get to ask it one question that it will answer fully and truthfully, no trickery.

What is your question?

I think Id go with a potential waste by asking what in the world are you?
id like to know the origins of the universe and the future of humanity.

But that would get me nowhere, so...

The lottery numbers
have to eat a lot of those mushrooms for that to happen
Only one way to find out if this little fuck can be taken seriously - "Fedor GOAT amirite"
id ask it who is going to win the next world series and bet big
This omniscient being is a figment of your imagination, yet you use your question to ask what it is?

My question is where can I get the drugs TS is on?
I'd ask Wtf happened to Ronnie.
I'll ask him how I can make him answer more than just one question
Why does this scenario necessarily include lurking in the forest collecting shit?
I agree that the creature is a hallucination. And if you go to sleep it will bugger your ass parts, so I say stay awake and threaten to stab him if he gets touchy-feely (then break a stick and jab it in his direction to prove this is not just a bluff).
Can I ask a Question with Multiple Answers ?

I want to know the Winner of he Next 20 Superbowls.
id like to know the origins of the universe and the future of humanity.

But that would get me nowhere, so...

The lottery numbers

Bible and revelations.

Only one way to find out if this little fuck can be taken seriously - "Fedor GOAT amirite"

Sorry, no. Robot version of kimbo slice is

id ask it who is going to win the next world series and bet big

He tells you but it is the kiddie World Series won by the Taiwan boys team

This omniscient being is a figment of your imagination, yet you use your question to ask what it is?

My question is where can I get the drugs TS is on?

Drug dealer on 6th ave

I'd ask Wtf happened to Ronnie.


I'll ask him how I can make him answer more than just one question


Let me give you anal and then blow me.

I'd ask him why he is still a virgin.

I won't be after I meet sherdog goat

Lottery numbers, baby !

He tells you but doesn't tell you which lottery or when

Why does this scenario necessarily include lurking in the forest collecting shit?
I agree that the creature is a hallucination. And if you go to sleep it will bugger your ass parts, so I say stay awake and threaten to stab him if he gets touchy-feely (then break a stick and jab it in his direction to prove this is not just a bluff).

Because I live in a forest and you have to be high to see me. Non high people can't handle the truth.
First and foremost, the creature would have to prove its legitimacy by revealing something about me that's unknown to everyone else.

Then, I would ask it what is the key to beating Jon Jones and tease Cormier with my newfound knowledge, just so I can see how low he's prepared to sink in order to beat him.
When is baby Jesus returning ?

9:26 am. He likes to sleep in.

First and foremost, the creature would have to prove its legitimacy by revealing something about me that's unknown to everyone else.

Then, I would ask it what is the key to beating Jon Jones and tease Cormier with my newfound knowledge, just so I can see how low he's prepared to sink in order to beat him.

Three ways:
Quote bible
Or hit him in the face but don't get hit yourself

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