Ask Benson Henderson Anything!

When are you going to finish a fight again ?
When you have your opponent in the clinch against the cage, why have you favored the kicks to the calf with the ball of your foot instead of Muay Thai knees to the thighs / midsection?

Great question.
What hurt more, pettis' armbar or when people booed your marriage proposal?
Of all the close decisions and angry reactions; which, if any, of the fights did you feel like you were the obvious winner (despite the haters) .
Why do you think god supports you in physically hurting other people?
Benson, What change and improvements have happened with you since the Pettis loss?
If Cheesus didn't exist, who would you worship instead?

Correct answer is Thor by the way.
If you weren't fighting what would you be doing instead?