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As violent acts rise, law enforcement should look to a common denominator.


The Last Iconoclast
Sep 19, 2017
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There was a Swedish study in this area and they found that the risk of violence was increased with people taking low doses (subtherapeutic) but not with medium or high doses. The increased risk of violence for the low does was significant but they were hesitant to connect the drugs with the violence, suggesting that the under treatment might be the issue there.

Still very interesting stuff, even if I don't know what to conclude.
There was a Swedish study in this area and they found that the risk of violence was increased with people taking low doses (subtherapeutic) but not with medium or high doses. The increased risk of violence for the low does was significant but they were hesitant to connect the drugs with the violence, suggesting that the under treatment might be the issue there.

Still very interesting stuff, even if I don't know what to conclude.
It would be wrong to link the violence to the drugs. Those scientists have families to take care of. Shining a light on this may have a negative impact on their ability to do that.
I think the FDA & CDC might be better equipped to tackle this.

But "better equipped" doesn't mean it will happen. Big pharm isn't going to go easy.
I believe that the school or mass shooters that are driven by psychotropic drugs are the outliers. I think they are more motivated by being remembered and wanting to share their pain and lash out. And not surprising, many of these people have mental illness issues and are naturally going to be on some medications, but that is not the cause of their violent acts.
There was a Swedish study in this area and they found that the risk of violence was increased with people taking low doses (subtherapeutic) but not with medium or high doses.

So more drugs not less? Paid for by the drug companies no doubt.

There was a Swedish study in this area and they found that the risk of violence was increased with people taking low doses (subtherapeutic) but not with medium or high doses. The increased risk of violence for the low does was significant but they were hesitant to connect the drugs with the violence, suggesting that the under treatment might be the issue there.

Still very interesting stuff, even if I don't know what to conclude.

Well I certainly support our new drug dealer overlords, known as big pharma. They have never lied, and the regulatory system meant to police them is fully independent and trustworthy.(E-sarcasm)
I believe that the school or mass shooters that are driven by psychotropic drugs are the outliers. I think they are more motivated by being remembered and wanting to share their pain and lash out. And not surprising, many of these people have mental illness issues and are naturally going to be on some medications, but that is not the cause of their violent acts.

So in your mind, before Columbine, kids didn't want to "be remembered, wanting to share their pain and lash out"?

I can tell you this much, I am 99% convinced that these school shootings are being caused by some combination of media, and anti-psycotics.

I am 99% certain of this because you have to identify the things that have changed since Columbine, and these are the only 2 reasonable explanations.
Thinly veiled attack on POC (people of colour)
It’s such a chicken vs egg discussion on anti psychotic drug users and the greater chance to snap I don’t think it’ll ever be decided

What are you gonna do, have a control group you diagnose and give a blind placebo to and see if they shoot up their school at a greater or lesser rate than the ones on the meds?
For those who haven't noticed, anti-psychotic drugs may not be doing what you think they do. People argue that these people are crazy to begin with, but facts are facts and they are in. This must be the most comprehensive and up to date report on this rarely if ever reported life and death problem facing society today.

For anyone serious:
Psychiatric Drugs
Create Violence & Suicide:
Putting the Community
at Risk
School Shootings
& Other Acts of Senseless Violence

Ever heard of something called a clinical study? Do you know what happens to a bio-company's stock if it releases a new drug that doesn't do well?
Thinly veiled attack on POC (people of colour)

Nah... Black Mental Health is a taboo topic.

They hide it behind stupid assed terms like; being ratchet, going HAM, being hood, ghetto etc. Shit never gets fixed.

White folks embrace mental illness and try to collect the shit like pokeman cards, but at least they address it.
Here's the website this "study" is from:


It's not actually a scientific study with facts. It's a piece by an "advocacy group" opposed to psychiatric treatment.

The advocacy group is funded by the Church of Scientology. Which promotes their religion as a substitute for psychiatric treatment.


Tldr: TS is not sharing facts. He's sharing a Scientology advocacy piece.
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Nah... Black Mental Health is a taboo topic.

They hide it behind stupid assed terms like; being ratchet, going HAM, being hood, ghetto etc. Shit never gets fixed.

White folks embrace mental illness and try to collect the shit like pokeman cards, but at least they address it.
This is weird.. that post was merged from another thread that I cant even remember what it was anymore... And really makes no sense in here
Wait, so altering the brain chemistry of a still developing brain may cause negative effects?
Nah... Black Mental Health is a taboo topic.

They hide it behind stupid assed terms like; being ratchet, going HAM, being hood, ghetto etc. Shit never gets fixed.

White folks embrace mental illness and try to collect the shit like pokeman cards, but at least they address it.

Black people lack health insurance and reliable access to healthcare. That's where you should start.

Also, yes, the hypermasculine nature of POC culture does make it more resistant to openness about mental health, but that correlates with poverty everywhere in the Western world. Working class white people are very uncomfortable with the subject too.

Re "they hide it behind stupid assed terms," you can go fuck yourself. No black person refers to themselves as hood or ghetto.
It wouldn't surprise me if there is some truth to that, about SSRI's. I doubt the medical community will honestly look into the issue though. There is to much money involved.

I've read study articles that found these depression drugs do not help people much with depression issues. I've seen on this sight many write in saying anti depression drugs tried are not all that helpful from their experience. For what ever reason though people wan to believe their doctors that the drugs are helpful and with minimal side effects.
I understand that guns are involved in a surprising amount of shootings, but let's keep pushing narratives that don't mention guns at all, even when the studies don't agree with you and you're forced to reference Scientology groups.
There was a Swedish study in this area and they found that the risk of violence was increased with people taking low doses (subtherapeutic) but not with medium or high doses. The increased risk of violence for the low does was significant but they were hesitant to connect the drugs with the violence, suggesting that the under treatment might be the issue there.

Still very interesting stuff, even if I don't know what to conclude.

When you say "people taking low doses" does that mean anybody who is prescribed low doses and takes it correctly, and also people who are prescribed high doses but take their medication inconsistently or infrequently? As a result, being on low doses of the medication?

I could see that making up a significant portion of people on psychiatric drugs.