i dont know.
gsp wasnt finished late in his career, but he was kinda mid-career, but not against a top guy (tough as hell guy, but with greatest of respect to serra, he wasnt top 3-5 when he fought gsp).
BUT, when you are the best and you are only fighting top guys, there is a very high risk that you will get koed or finished.
cain was tooled by werrdum, and penn was tooled by frankie, but frankie didnt finish penn. like most things, no one stays at the top forever--it is likely a combination of competition getting better and top dogs logging miles in a very tough sport.
I'm about the biggest bj penn fan
there is. & I believe tko's are
definitely varied in terms of a
legitimate finish...
But Frankie finished bj in
their last fight, no doubt.
BJ wasn't throwing up any
subs, no sweeps, nothing...
He was a far cry from the
aggressive guardsman that
caught Hughes in that triangle
of the last seconds of the round
in their second fight.
I hate to admit it... but bj didn't
show up to that fight. Respect to
Frankie. He's a hard pill to swallow
as a bj nut hugger. But at least
I can rest with the knowledge that
BJ surely won their first fight
& effectively... is STILL lightweight
champ because of it since he
wrongfully got robbed by edgar's
Arab friends in the emirates