As a GSP Fan, Fedor reclaims Goat if he wins Grand Prix

The guy was the best heavyweight ever after Affliction... Beat the top 5 in Pride... then some former UFC champs. His career is set... this is just for fun and the fans.
It's possible, especially if he avenges his loss against Mitrione in the final.

Winning the title at 36 was impressive for GSP, but winning a heavyweight tournament at 41 is more impressive IMO

Unfortunately it won't happen since Uncle Chael is gonna 29-28 his ass
Oh wow winning the “title”. What title? The title that was held by the weakest ME champ in history? The title that was abandoned in 32 days because of a contract that enforced defending? Most worthless “title” in modern mma.
Frank Mir hasn't wont a fight in three years


Whatever you say bro. I love Fedor as much as a heterosexual man can, but I don't think this tournament really proves much in either direction for his GOAT status.
Oh wow winning the “title”. What title? The title that was held by the weakest ME champ in history? The title that was abandoned in 32 days because of a contract that enforced defending? Most worthless “title” in modern mma.

He came back after 4 years in a weight class higher and won the title in his first fight back.

And that "weakest MW champ" had recent wins over Rockhold and Anderson. Just give GSP some damn credit instead of shitting on him.
Fedor is the man even if he never wins again. Unlike gsp, he fights people who can beat him. GSP hand picking Bisping doesn't mean much. Had he fought Whitaker as he and Dana said he would, i would have given him credit. But conveniently, that didn't happen.
People put way too much emphasis on a "grand prix", at the end of the day, it's 3 fights. One was against a HW that was more washed up than he was, the next is against a washed up MW and the final will be against either a gatekeeper level HW or a gatekeeper level LHW.

I just don't understand why that would reclaim title of GOAT.
Eh. I think the only way that would even have a slight argument is if he beats Bader/Mitrione in the finals.

GSP's records are hard to compete with. I will say though, Fedor in his prime was the P4P greatest fighter ever as far as I'm concerned. I think GSP beats him legacy wise.

I'd take Prime Fedor in his prime over anyone. Too fast, too calculated, too ruthless, too good in too many positions.
I don't factor post-prime performance into official legacies, not for GSP or Fedor.
GSP went up a weight class and won a title (even if bisping ain't a good champ) fedor is fighting chael next, after losing a bunch of fights and a gift decision to Fabio.

If you think gsp is goat, that's fine. If you think fedor is goat, that's fine. If you think gsp is goat now, but beating chael and either mitrione, mo, or bader will put fedor over that's just crazy talk
The Last Emperor and Rush are great. That is all.
As an unbiased person, GSP sits all alone at the top (for now).

He literally checked all the boxes, while all the other ''GOAT'' candidates only check one or two.

-All losses avenged (only 2)
-15+ wins agaisnt top 5 competition
-Double weight champion
-Not a PED cheat
-Defended his title 9 times

If you have an ounce of common sense, you will DQ anyone who got busted for roids from your GOAT list. Silva and Jones are out.

That leaves Fedor, possibly DC, Aldo and MM (a bit far fetched). Out of those 4, no one comes close to GSP. Silva roids or not has 8 losses and got finished by C level fighters, doesn't belong in the GOAT talk.

The only one who had a claim at GOAT was Jones since no one beat him, but since he's a known roid user, that taints his whole career, the guy might've been 15-5 had he fought clean.