Artists Who You Have Nostalgic Feelings/But Can't Stand Now?

Nameless Ghoul

Red Belt
Jan 22, 2014
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For me it is a two way tie between Rivers Cuomo and Billy Corgen. Both Weezer and The Smashing Pumpkins had a great 2.5-3 albums starting off, and then for whatever reason became a parody of themselves/act like total tools.
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Alice in Chains. I was a huge fan back in high school, but I find them extremely meh now. I think it's a combination of burning out on them when I was younger, and the fact that their fan base is kinda trash. I credit them for helping develop my musical tastes, but I can't remember the last time I actually wanted to put one of their albums on.
Red Hot Chili Peppers, i've had many bands who have been ''my favourite'' over the years, but none have fallen from grace like the Chili Peppers,
Red Hot Chili Peppers, i've had many bands who have been ''my favourite'' over the years, but none have fallen from grace like the Chili Peppers,

Gotta disagree there. I love their modern stuff while I think their earlier stuff is juvenile and unlistenable. I can understand people liking the funky stuff and it being different though. It's just not for me.

I honestly don't have any musical regrets. If I liked something, I liked it for a reason and can still listen to it now and understand. I do think there are several bands though where if I just now discovered them, I wouldn't be into them. A lot of bands you had to be the right age or point in your life to appreciate.
Gotta disagree there. I love their modern stuff while I think their earlier stuff is juvenile and unlistenable. I can understand people liking the funky stuff and it being different though. It's just not for me.

I honestly don't have any musical regrets. If I liked something, I liked it for a reason and can still listen to it now and understand. I do think there are several bands though where if I just now discovered them, I wouldn't be into them. A lot of bands you had to be the right age or point in your life to appreciate.
and that's your right to disagree, but you couldn't pay me to listen to their music, or at least the stuff i'm unfamiliar with, even the stuff i associate with the my teen years {i played mother's milk constantly} its something i'd struggle to listen to.
I think the last Tool album was shit. And Maynard is annoying and hates his fan base.
Love the old stuff tho
Yeah really agree here. They went Uber-pretentious with their songwriting. Everything from Aenima back, was great imo
Used to like these guys and just the bands name brings back 90s/00s nostalgia but their music is unlistenable now.

that Nirvana shirt. the one with the dead smiley. I used to rock that shit when I was in 8th grade during the was super rare back then.

now you see everyone & their mother rocking that shirt. super gay.
I think the last Tool album was shit. And Maynard is annoying and hates his fan base.
Love the old stuff tho

Yeah really agree here. They went Uber-pretentious with their songwriting. Everything from Aenima back, was great imo
my brother is obsessed with that album, also the other band the lead singer is a part of.

I can't get down with any of that at all. he always has those albums playing when I get in his car.
Weezer. I used to listen to them pretty heavily, but they were never really one of my favorites.
Embarrassed to tell people I listen to In Flames...

The fuck is this shit...

Take me back...

In Flames haven't held my attention since Come Clarity.

They were one of my top 5 bands when I was a kid.

Such a fall from grace.

That first track is just...

In Flames haven't held my attention since Come Clarity.

They were one of my top 5 bands when I was a kid.

Such a fall from grace.

That first track is just...

Jester Race/Whoracle era is my favourite sound, but Come Clarity had some real good songs, I enjoyed that album a lot. Knowing for a while that they were no longer a melodic death metal band, I wish they would have at least kept that kind of sound.

I have to admit, A Sense Of Purpose (subsequent to Come Clarity) has really grown on me. I hated that album so much when it came out, but it's their last listenable one.