Arthur Abraham v Miranda?

MC Paul Barman

Gold Belt
Platinum Member
Mar 6, 2002
Reaction score
Abraham won last night. ESB is running a story about Abraham wanting a shot at Pavlik but is going to have his US debut on June 21.
Boxrec has it listed that Abraham is fighting Miranda, but in the ESB story Abraham is quoted saying he can't reveal the opponent yet.

Was something announced in that short period of time, or is boxrec making a bold assumption?
This is an overdue re-match. Brutal first fight.
interesting.. I wouldnt be making plans beyond the Miranda fight. Im not saying he wont win, but look how much it cost him to have his hand raised the first time.
Abraham/Miranda was completely f#<ked through-and-through with the worst ref in Boxing, Randy Neumann, overseeing Miranda's foul-fest.

I think a rematch would be great.

There's so many points where that fight could have been stopped, sometimes in Abraham's favor because of Miranda's repeated fouls, sometimes in Miranda's favor because of Abraham's broken jaw and continued bleeding. Miranda was penalized 5 points that night.
the german commentator yesterday said that its not 100% clear but that Miranda is most likely going to be it.
Abraham says he wants a shot at pavlik but also says that he's tired of cutting weight and wants to move up. Didn' t Miranda also move up? If that happens I think it'd be hard for Abraham to cut back down to middleweight for the pavlik fight. He looked huge yesterday
That's two out of the last three fights where Abraham has straight iced someone in the later rounds, the Elcock KO was pretty convincing as well.

That being said I think Pantera would have a pretty good chance in the rematch if he can keep it clean. Abraham shows pretty solid D but he really doesn't throw back or counter when flurried upon.

I think Miranda can exploit this by just keep throwing bombs, and possibly knock Abrahams guard aside when Abraham throws up the earmuffs.

EDIT: I also just remembered and wanted to mention how sick Elvin Ayala's custom rap entrance music was, I know it's lame but that always makes me laugh, Yutaka Niida had a similarly awesome custom entrance song earlier this month.
he should have fought ayala on a pavlik undercard to hype up a fight with pavlik.
That's two out of the last three fights where Abraham has straight iced someone in the later rounds, the Elcock KO was pretty convincing as well.

Convincing of what exactly? That Elcock is garbage and shouldn
he is going for the big money pavlik, no way he risks that w/a fight w/miranda, abraham is an established cat at that weight and a champ.

pavlik or bust

i think pavlik aggression consistency and durability grind out arthur over the dist; i don't know if kelly is polished enough to finish an opp who isn't coming to go to war.
watching abrahams last fight, in the late rounds, i was thinking his hook could damage pavlik. Abraham has a real power fook and he can be fairly sneaky with it. It will be perfect if pavlik just does the jab, jab, striahgt he did vs miranda and taylor. Pavlik has a brutal uppercut though, and that could be his saving grace.
Abraham just doesn't seem to improve when it comes to having some kind of defense when he starts his combos. He's so wide open when he starts his flurries, that it takes only one good counter puncher to take him out. either miranda or pavlik. both can k.o him if he doesn't improve
hopefully Abraham gets the W again. i'd like to see Pavlik-Abraham when both are unbeaten
Miranda got shafted in the first fight. He lost at leat 4-5 ponts to foul and no way would Abraham been allowed to continue with that injury anywhere but his hometown.

Abraham has said he wants to fight outside Germany, I think he loses to Miranda on neutral ground.
Miranda got shafted in the first fight. He lost at leat 4-5 ponts to foul and no way would Abraham been allowed to continue with that injury anywhere but his hometown.

Abraham has said he wants to fight outside Germany, I think he loses to Miranda on neutral ground.