Arm-bar disaster



How does anyone else recover from tenderness after getting caught in an arm-bar?
Especially in situations where you don't have access to ice, i.e, driving, public transport, at work.

I tapped early but it's more of an enduring injury. I just would like it to be less painful for training.

Also, does anyone use or can recommend any braces/wraps to support the elbow joint when training?

my advise is to tap sooner bro!

haha no but seriously just ice and heat combo works for me!

15 mins heat
15 mins off
15 mins ice

youll be fine after a couple days, if it persists, go and see a doctor
any ace bandage should help with the tenderness, but might leave it stiff if you wear it too much. only an hour or so a day.
depending man it may hurt for months. i know mine did for months and months, tap early man, or if you know he has you just tap there is no shame in it. and watch out rolling with the people who just want to rip your arm off as fast as they can. thats how i got caught and i never was able to tap fast enough
i get the same problem somtimes - i am really new to bjj so even getting the arm cranked a little hurts like hell in like a half hour. I do ice and take 800mg ibuprofin (4 regular advil) just pay attention when you take that much to make sure something is in your belly - works for me
Whenever I get a sore arm from too many tough armbars or just one really tough armbar, it usually only takes a few weeks to heal up. Just be smart with it and tap extra early until it feels better. I find weight training/rehab to be helpful as well. And of course, RICE - rest, ice, compress, elevate after training.
Like others have suggested, follow the RICE regimen and if that doesn't help take Ibuprofen 800mg 3 times a day or Naproxen 500mg twice a day. You just have to get in a habit of tapping earlier.
Thanks for the advice. What kind of weight training do you recommend?
for physical therapy for it do a search here or some search engine for tendonitis of the elbow or tennis elbow. Don't do heavy weight, might even consider elastic bands.

I know one exercise is to have elastic bands tied off at about chest height hold the bands one in each hand and from about shoulder height lower your arms down to to your waste keeping the arms straight. There are a few others just do the search and good luck.
Yea the worst thing you can do is hyper extend your elbow by trying to man it up and not tap early :icon_surp.

Just put ice on your elbow joint, or buy one of those patches (something similar to hot/ice) that helps heal body aches and joints.
Hurt my arm the other day. A friend of mine had both my arms trapped,and I coulden't tapp out in time.
Hurt my arm the other day. A friend of mine had both my arms trapped,and I coulden't tapp out in time.

yell tap or tap with your feet, but if both arms are trapped I'd definitely just yell TAPPP, won't risk the dude not realizing im banging with my feet
yell tap or tap with your feet, but if both arms are trapped I'd definitely just yell TAPPP, won't risk the dude not realizing im banging with my feet

Beat me to it. Verbal Tap.
Hurt my arm the other day. A friend of mine had both my arms trapped,and I coulden't tapp out in time.

Someone get double arm-barred? Snicker, snicker.....:icon_lol: Just kidding, man.

To the original poster, everyone else has pretty much nailed it. Ice down any sore spots immediately after practice. I'm not a big fan if the ice/heat switch methods, just straight ice, but whatever works for you. Keep a few ziplock bags of frozen peas in the icebox for this purpose.
Cool, thanks for the advice all. Icing seems to have done the trick. Will have to invest in one of those bandages with cold packs inside them. It's hard to move around while holding a bag of peas.