Are you orderly/a neat freak?


Aug 28, 2009
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I've evolved into one

When I was younger I insisted on not being one, not to say I was dirty - but I liked a bit of chaos in my work space, I was lax when it came to cleaning private spaces in terms of picking up clothes or things like that.

But since my mid 20s, its been pretty opposite, I'm anal about cleanliness, I have a chore schedule for myself - I keep any area of mine that another person could conceivably see pristine. I hate having scuffs and shit on my car, shoes etc

what say you guys
You sound like you will be a good wife to someone

I clean when stuff gets dirty or when I have company over. Don't really think about it much
Not a neat freak exactly.

My mum was a hoarder and had excuses not to bin anything. There was two rooms in my childhood home which you literally couldn't access due to bags and boxes of unorganised items.

Even now she can't see a space on a side without having to fill the space with something immediately.

As I result I like to live minimalisticly as possible. Anything that I don't use, I don't want laying around.
I've evolved into one

When I was younger I insisted on not being one, not to say I was dirty - but I liked a bit of chaos in my work space, I was lax when it came to cleaning private spaces in terms of picking up clothes or things like that.

But since my mid 20s, its been pretty opposite, I'm anal about cleanliness, I have a chore schedule for myself - I keep any area of mine that another person could conceivably see pristine. I hate having scuffs and shit on my car, shoes etc

what say you guys
I think this is code for closeted gay.
Yes to all.

Gotta be clean. Tidy. Organised. Everything.
My spaces look messy, but I know where everything is. For example my dresser has a ton of shit on top of it and probably looks like a wreck to other people, but 90% of that stuff is always in the exact same spot if I'm not currently using it. I always take off my shoes, hang up my jacket, and put my phone and keys in the exact same places when I get home. I'm not about losing shit. My wife constantly loses her keys and phone and it confounds me.

Aesthetic damage to my items (like cars and shoes as you mentioned) doesn't bother me in the least as long as they still perform their function. That statement doesn't apply to items like dress shoes or nice clothes because the function of the item is to look good.
I think he's one step ahead of you bud.
God bless him than as I don't know if I've mentioned this but I've been compared to Steve Jobs so if he is one step ahead of moi he has to be like Jesus Christ
My roll away for my tools and my gun safe are pretty well organized, everything else is just whatever.
God bless him than as I don't know if I've mentioned this but I've been compared to Steve Jobs so if he is one step ahead of moi he has to be like Jesus Christ
Yea I’m terrible admittedly i have legit meltdowns when people move my stuff around
I wish I was more orderly, but unfortunately every horizontal space at home (tables, chairs, mantelpiece) is a place for me to store all kinds of stuff.

Tables are disaster areas that have tools, laptops, comic books, mail and tea cups scattered all over. Chairs are mainly for clothes and the occasional boxing glove. The mantlepiece is adorned with a radio, family pictures, several shaving devices, body cream, pasport and other documents, receipts, more mail and bicycle lights.

I do tidy up every now and then, but then afterwards I can't find anything. Very frustrating.
when I was younger my dad made it a point to make sure I didnt leave a mess around the house or in my room, unfortunately I had to learn things the hard way and took a couple of "belt infused" time outs. In time, I have found that I can tell a lot about a person by the way they keep the inside of their car. Even more so than by the clothes they wear for example.

Over the years I've found that I am somewhat of a neat person but the messes I make are disorganized but to my liking if that makes any sense and don't want my old lady messing with my things ...and she doesn't for the most part which is one of the keys to why I stay with her.
when I'm single I am.
Generally, yes. I always try to find ways to be better organized and to eliminate clutter from my life, it can be therapeutic actually
Not a neat freak but I’m not a slob either. I have young kids so my house is never a museum but it’s not a pig pen. I’m pretty meticulous with my landscaping though.
A woman I used to work with left a teabag in a cup, on top of a filing cabinet, for so long that mold started to grow on it. I thought it was gross but pretty impressive, even if I don’t understand such slovenliness.

I’m not as crazily organized as I used to be before kids, but keeping things tidy is important to me.