Are you happy with your current location?

Tacoma, WA. 7/10. I feel at home here but the older I get (I'm 31) the more I hate the rain and cold. My wife's family is here otherwise I'd move in a heartbeat. I figure by the time I'm 50 I'll probably be moving to somewhere warmer.
I lived in a rainy part of Japan. I got so tired of the 5 straight days of cold rain. Sucks the will to do anything physical out a ya
Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. 1/10

Pros: Family and friends

Cons: It's a freakin reservation in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do.

I can't wait till I finish school so I can move to Denver.
Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. 1/10

Pros: Family and friends

Cons: It's a freakin reservation in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do.

I can't wait till I finish school so I can move to Denver.

I've seen a couple of docs about reservations in the past...seem pretty brutal, with the poverty and usually alcoholism/drug abuse rampant. Good on you for planning on getting out. Hope you can bring your fam with you one day. Good luck.

The weather is absolutely shit, (range of -40 in the winter to +40 in the summer), nothing really special about the food here, the roads are a complete joke (it always looks like an earthquake happened), crime is common in bad areas and the women aren't special. Way too many drugged up/drunk natives in downtown and certain areas of the city, and they're constantly begging for money. Driving in the winter is a torture with all the snow/ice and accidents, and driving in the summer is a hassle with constant nonstop constructions to repair the road from climate damage. If it weren't the friends and family I have here, I would have been gone a long time ago.

I live in Manitoba, Canada.

I've wondered about that area of Canada. You have confirmed my suspicions.
I've seen a couple of docs about reservations in the past...seem pretty brutal, with the poverty and usually alcoholism/drug abuse rampant. Good on you for planning on getting out. Hope you can bring your fam with you one day. Good luck.

It's not that bad really. It might be to a lot of people but I have lived here the majority of my life so it is normal to me. No worse than the projects in the cities, way less murder and violence though. Although where I live is the 6th poorest county in the country. It's crazy that I grew up on a rez and I have zero Native blood in me.
It's not that bad really. It might be to a lot of people but I have lived here the majority of my life so it is normal to me. Although where I live is the 6th poorest county in the country. It's crazy that I grew up on a rez and I have zero Native blood in me.
Ooc why do you live on a reservation then?
Ooc why do you live on a reservation then?

It's weird because my parents were born in California and Washington State yet they both somehow grew up and met on a rez in South Dakota. My mom has been an elementary school teacher here for 39 years.

I came back to the rez after my grandma died and I decided to finally use my GI Bill and go to school. I should be getting my degree by Aug. and then I'm moving to Denver. I have left the rez a few times but I always end up coming back for a bit because of family and friends.
I live just outside Chicago and I'm moving into the city proper this summer. There's everything. Just everything.
Vancouver is such a miserable place when it rains

Overpriced, ridiculous cost of living, and shit fucking weather

It wasn't always this miserable, maybe the lack of substantial sunshine this spring is getting to me

**weather really is getting to me now that I look up at my post

It's really not THAT miserable, just nonstop rain really gets to you, need that Vitamin SunnyD
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I've always stayed in Glasgow so I am probably biased! A lot of people think of it as some rough town but it really isn't.. It's pretty much the same as any other major city in the UK.

All my friends and family are here so I guess that helps, my local pub is a 5 minute walk away, my golf club is 10 minutes away, we have every kind of restaurant in town, the bars and clubs are great, It's inexpensive to live here, I've got two parks within a mile from me to walk my dog/run and the people are great for the most part.

thanks a million for the reply and pics. damn the place looks stunning, the sun is even shining. the uk has a reputation for poor weather, so i was a little taken aback. i too was of the opinion that Glasgow was somewhat rough around the edges.

in any event, my ancestry is entirely of the british isles on my mother
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Toronto - 8/10 Long winters and expensive rent are the only real drawbacks for me.
Toronto - 8/10 Long winters and expensive rent are the only real drawbacks for me.

I was shocked to see how expensive it is to live up there when watching all of those HGTV shows. Fuck, you'd think it was Los Angeles.
pacific northwest. yeah, best place on earth if you like the outdoors.