Are there many effective submission techniques that can be done standing for...


Orange Belt
May 1, 2007
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Are there many effective no gi submission techniques that can be done standing for self defense from bjj or any other grappling art? What are they?
some purple from brazil taught my last class for some reason and he showed us a cool standing wristlock. its just like the one jacare does.
Standing head and arm choke from a failed haymaker!!
Standing arm bar, guillotine, rear naked choke, russian arm bar, wrist lock, full nelson, arm lock, there are a ton. I don't think BJJ teaches this until much higher levels. I'm a catch wrestler so these are in the basics. My favorite choke I don't know the name of. It's from the clinch. You duck under the opponents arm and figure four him. You essentially hug his neck to the shoulder you just ducked under. This thing works like a charm.
High % Ones
Rear Naked Choke (dragging the guy back instead of hooks may work better for SD)

The others
Standing Kimura (works better near a wall)
Head+Arm Choke
In self defense, just kick him in the nuts and choke him when he hits the ground.
wristlocks ftw

Been posted before, but topical:
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Standing head and arm choke from a failed haymaker!!

The Second time I ever choked a guy out at work (I work in a Miami night club) was with this exact thing. Drunk idiots go out very fast, when I let go of him at the side door he fell like he was dead :redface:
In self defense, just kick him in the nuts and choke him when he hits the ground.

I like this one.

Kimura, Guillotine, Head-Arm Triangle, Anaconda, Wrist Locks, there is some good stuff. Catch the leg and drop him into a leg lock
Waki gatame is one of the fastest and, IMO, most effective submissions from standing. Of course you don't stand long, as a quick drop to the ground is the proper finish from standing.

It is effective enough to be used successfully in competition, and dangerous enough that Judo does not allow you to drop directly to the ground due to the high probability of injury.