Apparently Last Night Bernie Sander Supporters Groups On Facebook Where Taken Down


Sunflower in support of Ukraine
Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2004
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Apparently people believe Hillary paid trolls where attacking Facebook groups devoted to Bernie Sanders. People are running around getting on super pack financed attack dogs.

Yeah, it's been leaked that the Hillary campaign has been directly paying people to troll Bernie groups. Then a day or two ago child porn was suddenly posted on the walls of Bernie facebook groups, which was traced back to a Hillary supporter.
I just hope that Shillary can handle the heat from this with the same heroic poise with which she handled the intense sniper fire on the tarmac in Bosnia.
They've got to all be paid to go to her gatherings. I can't imagine anyone actually likes that cackling wench.

Bernie is the true peoples choice on the Democratic ticket.
we're all gonna lose anyway, crack open a beer and enjoy the ride down amigos
Apparently people believe Hillary paid trolls where attacking Facebook groups devoted to Bernie Sanders. People are running around getting on super pack financed attack dogs.

She needs to be in jail for lying to the family members of the Benghazi disaster.
Yeah, it's been leaked that the Hillary campaign has been directly paying people to troll Bernie groups. Then a day or two ago child porn was suddenly posted on the walls of Bernie facebook groups, which was traced back to a Hillary supporter.

That's the excuse Bernie's using for mistakenly posting some photo's from his personal collection?