Anything you eat after X o'clock p.m turns into fat?


Brown Belt
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Just wondered how accurate this statement is please? I often have to eat late due to work, ( I mean like 8-9 o'clock.

Thanx :D
That simple statement is not true, but just like much commonly held beliefs, there is an element of truth in it. A Google search will help you find many articles, particularly on BB sites, that show that your most anabolic phase (muscle building) is when you are sleeping at night.

You should avoid filling your gut with massive loads of high GI carbs late at night though, since your activity level is low and your body will take some of that and store it as fat.

Eating a small, yet balanced, meal an hour or two before bed is actually a very good thing to do.
tank666 said:
Just wondered how accurate this statement is please? I often have to eat late due to work, ( I mean like 8-9 o'clock.

Thanx :D

bwahahaha! :D

this needs to be killed quickly, it's an old outdated statment. If your training regularly you should actualy consume a good portion of fat and protien before you go to bed. Hig amounts of carbs are still a good thing to avoid before bed though.
tank666 said:
Just wondered how accurate this statement is please? I often have to eat late due to work, ( I mean like 8-9 o'clock.

Thanx :D

If you're trying to lose weight, avoiding food (especially carbs) 4 hours before bed will cause your body to dip into its natural fat stores to a greater degree during your sleep.

If you're maintaining, though, don't do this.
naww in fact when my brother was getting ready for a show he would eat b4 bed at 9 pm and have an alarm set for 3 am to eat again then go BACK to sleep.
Madmick said:
If you're trying to lose weight, avoiding food (especially carbs) 4 hours before bed will cause your body to dip into its natural fat stores to a greater degree during your sleep.

If you're maintaining, though, don't do this.
Madmick said:
If you're trying to lose weight, avoiding food (especially carbs) 4 hours before bed will cause your body to dip into its natural fat stores to a greater degree during your sleep.

If you're maintaining, though, don't do this.

I heard it was 2hrs. No source just word of mouth
thanx for all the answers i didnt think it was literally 100% true either. will try keep the carbs down in the p.m.