Anyone try Zapp's Voodoo potato chips?

They’s good. Got kind of a salt and vinegar taste to them.
GOAT chips. I try to eat really healthy, but when I see that bag at the grocery store, my will just collapses. Get a bag. Thank me later.
Potato chips are my weakness as well. I avoid buying them because I can’t just have a few I have to eat the whole fucking bag.
Potato chips are my weakness as well. I avoid buying them because I can’t just have a few I have to eat the whole fucking bag.
Yep. I almost never have chips in my house.
Zapps makes great chips

If you can't get in your local stores try Amazon. @MMA since 1993 @HI SCOTT NEWMAN @BroRogan @BFoe

We got all those here in Ft. Worth tx.

We had went to Louisiana in Feb for my wife's mom's funeral,and I picked some zapps at a gas station. Louisiana food was the bomb though.
Sorry to hear about ur in law, rip.

And yeah Louisiana food is incredible, their gumbo....lord have mercy, what surprised me most the first time I visited was the amount of Vietnamese food options and great taste too, have been so many times and it never gets old, but summer time in Louisiana can go fuck itself.
Sorry to hear about ur in law, rip.

And yeah Louisiana food is incredible, their gumbo....lord have mercy, what surprised me most the first time I visited was the amount of Vietnamese food options and great taste too, have been so many times and it never gets old, but summer time in Louisiana can go fuck itself.
had the gumbo, the crawfish, all that stuff. So damn good. I also had the absolute best chicken sandwich I've ever had while I was there.

And thanks, it was tough for the wife. But life goes on, and she's dealing with it as best as she can. All I can do is be there for her and cheer her up.
We got all those here in Ft. Worth tx.

We had went to Louisiana in Feb for my wife's mom's funeral,and I picked some zapps at a gas station. Louisiana food was the bomb though.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I recently lost my uncle too.

I'm probably biased but I only eat Zapp's. To me it's the GOAT of potato chips.
I love em. Ate em in New Orleans for the first time and luckily found a store in my town in California that sells em
I'm so sorry for your loss. I recently lost my uncle too.

I'm probably biased but I only eat Zapp's. To me it's the GOAT of potato chips.
My condolences on your loss.

I really like the spicy crawtators, probably my favorite from zapps
I haven't gotten them yet, but see them at the store and they have a cool looking bag and seem unique. Has anyone had them, and if so how did you rate them?

I love Zapps, voodoo isn’t my favorite but I do like them.
I love them. I put them in a bowl and then put malt vinegar on them. As mentioed, the Voodoo Heat ones are even better
Not bad. Could be a little less sweet tho
I only fuck with pork rinds these days. Low carb life.
