Anyone try kratom?

Only Here for Attachments

Deacon of the Church of St. Jon Jones
Sep 30, 2016
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Until weed is legalized in my state (things are in motion, or so I hear), I was looking into something to help me relax. Benzos would be my drug of choice as lorazepam is pretty much everything I want out of a relaxant (aside from risk of addiction and brain damage). Read a lot about kratom and was wondering how it stacks up? It's legal where I am for now.
Kratom is a natural opiate. So its great for people with opiate problems, as its not nearly as addictive or dangerous as painkillers or heroin

If you havent already had an opiate habit, i dont see any good that comes from it. Unless youre in chroinic pain
Don't scoff at Yoga. My daughter is taking it as an option in high school. She taught my wife and I some techniques, and it felt really good.
Recently went on a call for a 34 year old male in seizure...... no seizure history but he recently started Kratom and I was told it’s a known side effect.

Haven’t fact checked it though
Don't scoff at Yoga. My daughter is taking it as an option in high school. She taught my wife and I some techniques, and it felt really good.

She 18 yet? Asking for a friend.
Love it. I take it mostly before or during work. Even before a night out or anytime I want to be particularly chatty. Though there're big differences btwn the strains (red vein, green vein, white vein, horn, etc).

Really good for insane soreness and good for focusing when u foam roll and stretch and such
Tossed-and-washed ~2g of red Bali. Feels like spacey caffeine but without any of the physical energy. In fact, physical activity felt unusually taxing. Didn't do shit for pain-relief either. No thanks.
Until weed is legalized in my state (things are in motion, or so I hear), I was looking into something to help me relax. Benzos would be my drug of choice as lorazepam is pretty much everything I want out of a relaxant (aside from risk of addiction and brain damage). Read a lot about kratom and was wondering how it stacks up? It's legal where I am for now.

My wife loves the strain she's using. She's all about it. I tried it twice, didn't feel anything. Then again, I need two Spikes to feel caffeine, so I'll defer to her lmao.