Anyone remember Chael's post fight interview after after losing to Silva?


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
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I can't find it on YouTube but I remember Chael had a real great moment where he said something like "nobody owes me anything. I had my shot"

I always liked that interview. Chael is entertaining when he's in bad guy mode but that moment he was just being real and owning his performance.

Anyone recall his exact words? Or better yet, have a link to a video?

It's always the "after after" party that turns out to be the spot...
That post-fight presser was about as well as anyone could handle defeat after that level of pre-fight trash talk! You'd never see it with any of the similar personas these days I don't think.
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Watching this with a live crowd at a bar was amazing. Absolute pandemonium. It was like sherdog IRL
yeah he tended to drop the shtick when he lost and became a pretty normal guy for a few minutes afterwards. a lot of them do that, usman did it (at least for a little while), conor even does it periodically.
Chael was a great competitor and a great promoter.

Mixed record, but from 2005, all his losses were to world-class competitors.

At his peak, there was no way in hell he was going to beat Marquardt or Stann.
He smeshed both of them.
Between those two fights, he ragdolled Silva for 41/2 rds.

He was booked to fight for a WEC or UFC belt five times.
He owns the 40 best one-liners in UFC history.

Lots of people hate him.
I don't follow his schtick now, but I followed him closely til about 2013.
Call me a fan.

Too bad about the peds, but I'm pretty sure nick/nate nailed that one.