Anyone here got B.O?


Butters Belt
Sep 22, 2012
Reaction score
Fuck my fucking pits have been stinking lately.
I don't know what cause this I think it's Karma, my whole life I've been making fun of smelly ppl I think this is God's way of paying me back.

At training lately I've noticed when I raise my arms I'm getting a rancid stench coming from my pits. I can kinda tell from the look on my training partners faces that they are catching some fire too. I never used to have this problem though, and I thought that ppl who stink don't notice they stink so the fact that I'm noticing it has me extra scared. Its not just when I'm working out though I just showered and was doing laundry in a wife beater and caught another wiff when I raised my arms to get the detergent.

Should I see a doctor? Will he just laugh at me?

I feel like a lot of stinky fucks with hygiene problems probably post here so if anyone could advise me if they know how to cure this that'd be great.

Edit: I wear deodorant and put extra on before training.
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No, but I have


Need to trade?

(I'll let myself out)
Oh. And I'm shocked to hear a guy who thought putting the word fart in his username was a good idea has a problem regarding reeking of shit.
Honestly, it's just your diet. /thread
MixMartialFarts is a stinky person. Who would've guessed?
I am one of those dudes that doesn't really need deodorant as long as i shower daily.

But i have gotten it, and when i do, i make a really big deal about it. If you do that, then everyone else is like "okay, he smells today". If you keep it hush hush people will more likely think you're just a smelly guy.
Oh that God. Good on him for taking time out of his busy schedule of doing nothing while people get raped and tortured to make sure you learned your lesson about teasing people

I shower daily and wear deodorant.

When I got out I put on cologne.

Fresh boy
On a serious note, I stunk for a little while using regular old spice, I tried old Spice lasting legend, I don't stink at all anymore even after a long day.

That's all I got
I found that right guard really works for me and I've tried them all even women's Anti persperant
TS wash your armpits more with soap and hot water. Change deodorants.

If this doesn't help then seek a dermatologist
I don't wear deodorant. Haven't in years. Nobody has said anything so I'll just assume I don't smell. Or maybe I do smell but that's okay too. Keep people at bay