Anyone have spiritual experiences from being choked out?


Feb 21, 2017
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I've been choked out twice in jiu jitsu and had spiritual experiences.

Like one time I got choked out something was telling me during my unconsciousness that the guy that choked me out isn't a good friend.
I've been choked out twice in jiu jitsu and had spiritual experiences.

Like one time I got choked out something was telling me during my unconsciousness that the guy that choked me out isn't a good friend.
No that was reality slapping you in the face. He no friend of you.
I have been having natural lucid dreams since I was 17.

One time when I was choked out cold by a Triangle, I began to have a lucid dream about waking up in my bed for college, then it morphed into the feeling that I was, in fact, dead and in some kind of purgatory.

I started to come to, seeing only white light and hearing no sound despite trying to yell. I jumped up, grabbed my coach who was standing over me laughing, and demanded to know WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON.
Yes, I believe it's called erotic asphyxiation...
I've been choked out twice in jiu jitsu and had spiritual experiences.

Like one time I got choked out something was telling me during my unconsciousness that the guy that choked me out isn't a good friend.
Maybe its your subconcious taking over since you are unconsious and thats why you are having weird opinionated dreams.
No. It usually makes me gag/want to throw up.
No but I've used jiu-jitsu between the sheets to take my girl closer to God.
I try to choke myself to sleep but I'm a pussy and I chicken out.
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i did, a voice in my head was telling me i can work harder and make way more $ its just a matter of how bad i want it.

i went back on my grind hard after that, ironically it gave me way less time for bjj lol
I got choked out once and dreamed I was playing a video game. It was really vivid, and very confusing when I woke up - I was like "heeyyyy I was playing a video game!! What am I doing here?!"

To be honest it was kind of scary after the fact though, in the days and weeks afterwards. Made me fear death more - kinda like "whoa, I could stop existing" kind of a feeling.
I got choked out at Pans when I was a white belt.

I remember I was having an incredibly elaborate dream in which my wife and I were on a Caribbean cruise. We spent several days on the beach, snorkling, jet skis; the whole nine yards. At one point I was sitting at the ship's bar by the pool and this annoying kid started shaking my deck chair. I turned to tell him to stop it, and there was this dude in a ref's uniform standing over me. I looked around some more and saw some guy wearing a blue gi, and another one with a red medic's shirt. I knew I recognized them from a BJJ tournament, but I had no idea what they were doing at the bar.

The first words out of my mouth were, "Hey guys! What are you all doing on my boat?"
This past summer I got caught in a loop choke and didn't appreciate how tight it was. I saw flashes of different images that I couldn't exactly describe (except for one of my wife) but I thought were moments in my life and I felt a feeling of overall dread. I heard what sounded like a demon screaming and came around. I realized later that the sound was actually me gasping for air when the guy released the choke.

When I came to, we were still rolling and I was completely confused. I scrambled to an underhook, sat up and tapped. The guy told me he "had no idea how I was still defending." This guy was completely oblivious to the fact that he had put me out, continued to choke me and I only came back because he gave up.

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