anyone get winded after eating ..

Stewart Kwong

Yellow Belt
Professional Fighter
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
does anyone in here get winded doing cardio after eating a certain food. i run regularly and keep my cardio up pretty well but i ve noticed there were a few times when i would go running in the morning and get extremely winded. everytime this would happen i would think back to what i had eaten the day b4 and it was always hamburger meat. i pretty much stoppped eating ground beef while training but does anyone else have this problem or have a food that makes them winded b4 they train/run.
Yeah, anything fatty. If I eat fatty today, I know I will pay for it tomorrow or the day after.

Are you getting the lean ground beef? You can buy a ground beef, I know, that is at least 90% beef. Many ground beefs are only as much as 70% beef.
Yup, really fatty food (like burgers) will slow the fuck outta ya...but I find it helps to have a lot of carbs with the fatty food-like it helps digest the fat...i.e. Hawaiian food, the Loco Moco, is two burger patties on top of a mound of rice, covered w/ 3 eggs over easy, slathered in gravy...seems to have less of that "sluggish" effect than eating a hamburger and fries...