Anyone Ever File for Worker's Comp


Oct 12, 2013
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Who has been hurt on the clock. Was it a pain in the ass to get your check. Was it worth it. Did your boss give you shit and try to deny the claim?

I managed Workers Compensation for BHP in Australia in two different states (NSW and Queensland). The business qualified to be a self insurer so we managed compensation internally without an external Workers Compensation insurer.

I could probably answer questions from an Aussie perspective but I have been out of that game for a while now. There are probably some generic similarities (workers compensation is typically social legislation that evolved to provide support to injured workers; which has evolved into more holistic system incorporating rehabilitation and injury management).

Typically in Australia Workers Compensation benefits are controlled under the legislation (called statutory benefits) . All systems have common law rights with various pre conditions having to be met (typically for more serious injuries) .
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Got hurt at work in 2016, then i got surgery last year. I never had a problem getting paid from workers comp since the surgery.

Good luck man.
Last december I slipped off a roof 4 metres up and landed in the splits position on hard timber decking below. Had two sick days and was straight back to work but suffered from agonizing abdominal pains and hip pains for the next couple months. I'm not a woman though so I didn't file for acc or "workman' s comp". She'll be right mate.
My dad was on comp for awhile never an issue. Hurt one day started getting paid the next day. Think it was around 70% of his last quarter of pay
Fell of a ladder, blew out my knees, missed four months of work. Not only did I have no problem getting paid, the entire comp program is a scam. They wanted to keep me off work as long as possible so they could keep charging the government for the therapy I was getting.

Also, the therapy was terrible. It wasn't scaled to my size and strength. I looked at the program, asked how many times I had to come in to do the exercises, they told me I was finished when I could complete the program to max reps at max weight. I immediately did that, and suggested that exercises were not a one size fits all application. I came in for weeks and basically doubled and tripled the expectations. This was the ergotherapy, which was mostly a waste of time. My physiotherapist was awesome and put me through hell. She made a huge difference and I appreciated the pain. Both my therapists were incredibly hot women, which helped. The ergotherapist was a tiny Asian girl, and was super fit. She demonstrated the first exercise and looked spectacular doing it, so of course I asked her to demonstrate each exercise, even though a potato could have figured them out.

Also also, and this is what pissed me off the most, once a week I had to see the doctor. My physiotherapist was great, and she would tell me her concerns and recommend what to tell the doctor. I would wait two or three hours to meet him, he would ignore all the concerns and sign the sheet saying how much longer I had to keep coming. He never, ever examined me, and told me not to worry about any of the concerns. I had to be there or else he couldn't report me as a visit and get paid for it. Considering he never did anything, it really burned me that he couldn't just leave me a note or phone me to give me the update. It wouldn't have bothered me as much if he had actually done something.
Fell of a ladder, blew out my knees, missed four months of work. Not only did I have no problem getting paid, the entire comp program is a scam. They wanted to keep me off work as long as possible so they could keep charging the government for the therapy I was getting.

Also, the therapy was terrible. It wasn't scaled to my size and strength. I looked at the program, asked how many times I had to come in to do the exercises, they told me I was finished when I could complete the program to max reps at max weight. I immediately did that, and suggested that exercises were not a one size fits all application. I came in for weeks and basically doubled and tripled the expectations. This was the ergotherapy, which was mostly a waste of time. My physiotherapist was awesome and put me through hell. She made a huge difference and I appreciated the pain. Both my therapists were incredibly hot women, which helped. The ergotherapist was a tiny Asian girl, and was super fit. She demonstrated the first exercise and looked spectacular doing it, so of course I asked her to demonstrate each exercise, even though a potato could have figured them out.

Also also, and this is what pissed me off the most, once a week I had to see the doctor. My physiotherapist was great, and she would tell me her concerns and recommend what to tell the doctor. I would wait two or three hours to meet him, he would ignore all the concerns and sign the sheet saying how much longer I had to keep coming. He never, ever examined me, and told me not to worry about any of the concerns. I had to be there or else he couldn't report me as a visit and get paid for it. Considering he never did anything, it really burned me that he couldn't just leave me a note or phone me to give me the update. It wouldn't have bothered me as much if he had actually done something.

What state was this in?
Last december I slipped off a roof 4 metres up and landed in the splits position on hard timber decking below. Had two sick days and was straight back to work but suffered from agonizing abdominal pains and hip pains for the next couple months. I'm not a woman though so I didn't file for acc or "workman' s comp". She'll be right mate.

In the US, you would have had problems getting anything because you apparently weren't properly secured while on a roof.
Who has been hurt on the clock. Was it a pain in the ass to get your check. Was it worth it. Did your boss give you shit and try to deny the claim?

That vid
Will probably watch that several more times today
Waiting on possible brain surgery currently, on FMLA.
I got compensated pretty easily, some lengthy phone calls and giving information but they directly deposited money into my awesome fat bank account
Fell of a ladder, blew out my knees, missed four months of work. Not only did I have no problem getting paid, the entire comp program is a scam. They wanted to keep me off work as long as possible so they could keep charging the government for the therapy I was getting.

Also, the therapy was terrible. It wasn't scaled to my size and strength. I looked at the program, asked how many times I had to come in to do the exercises, they told me I was finished when I could complete the program to max reps at max weight. I immediately did that, and suggested that exercises were not a one size fits all application. I came in for weeks and basically doubled and tripled the expectations. This was the ergotherapy, which was mostly a waste of time. My physiotherapist was awesome and put me through hell. She made a huge difference and I appreciated the pain. Both my therapists were incredibly hot women, which helped. The ergotherapist was a tiny Asian girl, and was super fit. She demonstrated the first exercise and looked spectacular doing it, so of course I asked her to demonstrate each exercise, even though a potato could have figured them out.

Also also, and this is what pissed me off the most, once a week I had to see the doctor. My physiotherapist was great, and she would tell me her concerns and recommend what to tell the doctor. I would wait two or three hours to meet him, he would ignore all the concerns and sign the sheet saying how much longer I had to keep coming. He never, ever examined me, and told me not to worry about any of the concerns. I had to be there or else he couldn't report me as a visit and get paid for it. Considering he never did anything, it really burned me that he couldn't just leave me a note or phone me to give me the update. It wouldn't have bothered me as much if he had actually done something.
If not for the agonizing pain, I'd be all on board that shit. Full pay? Fuck yeah! Even better if you're getting prescriptions for the pain.
In the US, you would have had problems getting anything because you apparently weren't properly secured while on a roof.
Is this correct?

In Australia, the system is essentially "no fault". In other words it does not seek; at the statutory level, to apportion blame.

Unless the worker intentionally sought to injure themselves they would still be covered.
Last december I slipped off a roof 4 metres up and landed in the splits position on hard timber decking below. Had two sick days and was straight back to work but suffered from agonizing abdominal pains and hip pains for the next couple months. I'm not a woman though so I didn't file for acc or "workman' s comp". She'll be right mate.
Troll confirmed
I’ve never did workers comp as I work for myself but that is one funny ass video when the chair hit him lmao