Anyone ever caught plantar warts despite being good with hygiene?


Now you enter...the shredder
Jun 11, 2010
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I have eczema and also feel my immunity to contracting skin infections isnt the greatest.

I have training partners that have never caught a single infection as oppose to me despite being a hygiene freak and them not.

This unfortunately is my 3rd time and I think I may have caught it from my own slippers I use to shower in after training.

I suspect that throwing my slippers in a plastic bag after each shower use to only re use next session may have left them unclean and yucky.

Anyone here out of luck when it comes to this infection?
HPV is a virus you can only get it form someone else, it's not like bacteria or fungi where they can multiply in moist and dirty conditions and cause an infection. I did catch some kind of feet dermal infection from the shower in the army once, don't know what it was, went away on it's own, it could have been warts.
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I consider myself clean. I have had plantars warts.
is it really common and unavoidable no matter what?

having good hygiene just means lesser chance but doesn't 100% guarantee otherwise?
I had a wart on my elbow a few years ago I burned it with a lighter and it was all burned and it split open and looked like a blooming onion then I picked at it for a few days till I was able to peels it off then I still went to the doctors and they numbed the spot it was at and cut a chunk of my skin off with a razor blade just in case so it doesn't come back I showers everyday and hardly ever went outside at the time lol but I did go into the woods with friends to smoke weed so maybe I got it from the woods.
70% of Americans Infected with HPV. More than two-thirds of healthy Americans have a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on some part of their body, a new study suggests. Researchers examined DNA from tissue samples of about 100 men and women and found that 69 percent were infected with HPV. ~ May 20, 2014 Link

Most HPV infections in young men and women are transient, lasting no more than one or two years. Usually, the body clears the infection on its own. It is estimated that the infection will persist in only about 1% of women. It is those infections that persist which may lead to cancer. link

Plantar warts and Palmer warts are common, especially in children. These warts are named for where they appear on the body. Palmer warts occur on the hands, and plantar warts on the bottom of the foot.

Virtually everyone will have a wart (or several) someplace at some time in their lives.

If a wart is not bothersome, doctors say it can be left alone. Given time, the wart may disappear on its own, thanks to the immune system.
They aren't that bad, I really wouldn't be worried about it. Happens to people whether they grapple or not + good hygiene or bad
I caught it but at a public gym. It's my fault that I was walking around the shower without flip flops.
It's not your hygiene that's the problem. You being good just means you're protecting others. If others aren't as diligent, they put everyone at risk.
I went to Mexico once and came back with plantar warts and some on my hand. There for months. I read about this colon cleanse in a book on chinese medicine. Wasn't expecting warts to disappear from it but they did in two days. Swallow two coffee mugs full of sesame seeds per day for 3 days. You will have to take a mouthful at a time and swallow them with juice or tea or whatever. It will clean your pipes and for me, fixed the warts. But they key was that it was something in my gut causing it, not a hygiene issue!
I went to Mexico once and came back with plantar warts and some on my hand. There for months. I read about this colon cleanse in a book on chinese medicine. Wasn't expecting warts to disappear from it but they did in two days. Swallow two coffee mugs full of sesame seeds per day for 3 days. You will have to take a mouthful at a time and swallow them with juice or tea or whatever. It will clean your pipes and for me, fixed the warts. But they key was that it was something in my gut causing it, not a hygiene issue!
Black or brown?
If you're going to leave your sandals/flip flops in a bag spray some lysol in there. Otherwise take them out and give them a quick wipe with clorox or lysol wipes.

Was your feet with selsun blue if you're paranoid.
I had this once. What helped eliminate it was coating my hand in lotion and wearing cotton gloves at night. It went away in a couple days.