Anyone Else Constantly Interrupt People?


Intergender World Champion
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
I do this quite often without realizing it. I guess for me it seems **ADMIN EDIT: Hi Everybody!!!** people talk too slow to get to the point. I dont interrupt by just completely changing the topic, but its kind of like I add on to what they say before they say it. Im basically always guessing their next sentence or something.

Its kind of like when people are talking and instead of giving them feedback with a head nod or an 'uh huh'. I just give them feedback by talking into their points if you know what I mean.

Anyone else do this or know people that do this? Its a weird habit of mine, kind of irritates my friends sometimes but whatever lmao

Edit: Whoa man everyone needs to chill out! Its not like I completely interrupt them to the point that they stop talking. They are still talking and continuing their story its just I add a comment from the peanut gallery or maybe finish their sentence once in a while. They still continue to talk and tell their story but im like adding comments along the way.

You guys are some hurt people
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So you're the guy everyone avoids?
only if farting really loud when their talking counts
kind of rude and annoying to interrupt people when they are talking.
I'm getting worse about this over time instead of better.

I find it super annoying when it's done to me, but somehow I can't help myself.
It's funny my dad talks a lot, as did his father, and they both had a penchant to interrupt people. I am used to it by now so it doesn't bother me. My mother in law doesn't interrupt people, but when you'e talking to her, during mid conversation, she will start another conversation with someone else. It really is fucking weird. I can recall the first time my parents and in-laws met, and my dad was talking to my mother in law, and during mid conversation she just walks off and starts talking to my mom.
No, I have these weird things called manners and patience.
No, because I'm not a horrible human being that nobody wants to be around...

My wife is brutal for cutting people off as is my one aunt.

It is absolutely hilarious when they speak to each other.
Damn man you're getting pretty beat up here. It is a bad habit though. My Mom is bad about it and she passed it down to my bro so I've got some experience here.

OTOH there are people who talk so non-stop that interrupting them is the only way to participate in the conversation so there's that.
If they're pausing to think of a word I'll oftentimes throw one out. Or I'll add something that lets 'em know what I think I understand them to be saying. Ain't nobody got time to be passing around a conch shell.
My wife is brutal for cutting people off as is my one aunt.

It is absolutely hilarious when they speak to each other.

My sister-in-law is f'in RELENTLESS with this. The way she interjects - she will talk while the other person is talking even if you are those people that like to finish your thoughts, you'll stop from the shear awkwardness. Likewise, if you try to interject real quick, she will keep talking and once again, you'll want to stop because it'd just be weird.

She's gotten a little better because I've been telling her to hold the hell on.