Anybody else noticed Guida's walk here?

Anyone think Guida can chest-to-chest it to a decision?
Like an old man who forgot his walker.

"Just wait there ya whiper snapper"
doing his best "Slater" from Dazed and Confused. Check ya later.
Did someone throw up on Ortega?

Is normal.

Fucking lol. That gets funnier the more I watch it. War the Carpenter! :D
Man, there was a thread with a video of Cruz limping around earlier. This shit is getting depressing. Twice in one day. Are these guys all fucked up physically? I mean, I know they're fighters, but something about the limping around gets to me. Please just no heavy brain damage, death, or limping around. The rest I'm fine with (as if I get to decide).
Seems we usually think the same as usual. Mr energy bless. Lol. Clay via grind n shine and ten extra laps after the fight
Hell yeah, brotha. I hope Clay can pull it off. I'm afraid he gets subbed in the third though.. :(
Guida looks unhealthy at that weight class
Hell yeah, brotha. I hope Clay can pull it off. I'm afraid he gets subbed in the third though.. :(

If he faces sub threats, I'd be pumped, even if he gets caught.

I remember seeing him pull out of the gnarliest armbars and triangle setups over and over in a round, through the years

Was always a strong stylistic favorite, no matter what other mates said

His ground awareness is alright, it's when he's rocked he gets the rear naked loss

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