Anybody besides me actually like the grease on food


Whopper or Die
Dec 18, 2015
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I love grease, I only cook burgers on a skillet get all the flavor. Don't get me started on bacon I can easily kill 40 or 50 strips on a light day. Sometimes I drink the left over bacon grease or save it dip biscuits in.
" I love grease"

They're gonna write that on your gravestone.

You must leave toilets destroyed on your light days.
I don't know about drinking bacon grease, but i like to dip my pizza in the pepperoni grease that drips out of the back end of a folded slice.
Ga, are you trying to eat yourself to death since that slore left you, or is this your normal eating habits?
Ga, are you trying to eat yourself to death since that slore left you, or is this your normal eating habits?
Normal I've actually cut down I'm trying to get in shape for my first MMA fight.

uuuuuuuuuu yummyumm
Normal I've actually cut down I'm trying to get in shape for my first MMA fight.

Damn, be careful or the only thing you're gonna be fighting is cholesterol.

Jk, good luck with the fight, keep us posted on that and the slore stories.
It's like we're getting a live journal of TS's impending heart failure goals.

Too bad we're not getting progress pics, vids or goals. Thick. Solid. Tight.
I am with you TS. You know its good when you can see though the bag.

Grease makes me sick.
Yeah ima bad ass when it comes to food. Thinking about a Chinese Buffet, I've been kicked out of a few. Me and General Tso chicken are going to war!!:cool:
I only like the grease for fwap lube because it's organic