any really good leg coordination drills?


Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
Besides mor kicking, how can i get more accurate with my left leg with liver and head kicks? I can get it exactly where i want but with 3/4 power. it feels uncomfortable of not natural. any suggestions?
What is a goo leg? Just kidding.

Try using a Bob wavemaster guy for accuracy.
what we do some times is have your partner hold a medicine ball against his chest with his arms wrapped around the top and bottom of it (making a samller target) then you kick it slow at first building up speed
put a chest guard on a heavy bag and hit the circles. It also helps to completley turn your kick over instead of kicking at an upward angle like i see alot of fighters do.

Pyramid kick drills do alot for kick speed which helps power from the lead leg going into liver kicks

I also am a fan of throwing a kick as fast and hard as i can and stopping right before the target, trying that helps accuracy and control which are related
yeah, crocop's kick against mark hunt made me a kicking freak! i have to get that left leg better.
despite what a lot of people here will tell you, you can get serious power into your lead leg if you work at it. So a KO could come from either leg, front or rear , body or head : ). I cant count the number of times people refuse to wear chest guards ( non tkd people) after i implore them to when we spar and i throw body kicks and they die. :)
In my First tournament 3 years ago ( similar to kyokushin style ruless)I got KOed by a side kick to the body.
I have also TKOed ( fight stopped) one person at my dojo on 2 occasions with a round house to the ribs and dropped an other fighter in an other tournament with a spinning back kick.

Also i been dropped in my dojo with around house to the body from my Sensei ( who's actualy my cousin so he shows me no mercy hehehe). But it doesnt help that i weigh 71kg and he ways 96kg hehe... Mind u he was wearing shin and foot guards as well at the time but the power was way to much for me i had no choice but to drop.

Body kicks are not to be taken lightly. Some ppl have deadly kicks with alot of power and they are to be feared.

The only down side to body shots regardless of kicks or punches is some fighters abbs and basic body trunk are so well conditioned they seem to shrug off alot of damage to the body. It might hurt but it wont put them out.

B/c of the nature of the sparring rules we have at our dojo and Tournaments body shots with kicks and Punches play a big part so u learn to respect them and the damage they can inflict.
KillaKix said:
what we do some times is have your partner hold a medicine ball against his chest with his arms wrapped around the top and bottom of it (making a samller target) then you kick it slow at first building up speed

i'd love to do that man, none of my mates or training partners trust me enough though, they'd think i was gonna kick there arms
can i come train in your gym instead?
I use spot pads for accuracy in kicking drills, that and one hell of a lot of practice will do the job, one thing i would warn you about is suggesting your pad man supports the targeted pad with the one thats not being hit, otherwise you could get some pretty nasty wrist injuries from a full force liver kick.
hockeyfacekilla said:
yeah, crocop's kick against mark hunt made me a kicking freak! i have to get that left leg better.

get your rear leg better. im pretty sure cro-cop is southpaw..
i found that if you use your knee as sort of an aimer, you can get preety accurate kicks,
so bring your leg up and have your knee at about the height that you want to strike.