Any one else not a fan of Joss Whedon?

Lights Out 101

Living Deliciously
Jan 25, 2011
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I can't stand his style of directing when it comes to superhero movies, Too corny, awkward and bubblegumesque, Which is the reason why Age of Ultron sucked. Thank fuck he isn't directing Infinity War.

The fact that he hates the Punisher because he uses guns makes me dislike him even more. Who the hell hates the Punisher? The only thing I'll give him props for is Toy Story.
Yeah fuck that guy. His snarky dialogue constantly deflating every scene is unbearable. Plus, he's a huge mangina.
Can't say I've ever been a fan of any of his projects.

The Avengers is the most overrated superhero film of all time.
I liked his run on X-Men with Jon Cassaday.
He was good in the Buffy days. I do think he is a better writer than director when he just focuses on just that.... Writing.
I can't stand his style of directing when it comes to superhero movies, Too corny, awkward and bubblegumesque, Which is the reason why Age of Ultron sucked. Thank fuck he isn't directing Infinity War.

The fact that he hates the Punisher because he uses guns makes me dislike him even more. Who the hell hates the Punisher? The only thing I'll give him props for is Toy Story.

He is a fake feminist his wife exposed him he admit he used feminism sjw stuff to gain favor with young girls and sleep with them‘hypocrite-preaching-feminist-ideals-’-ex-wife-says.3600411/page-4
I like Firefly . Most other stuff has been garbage. Also it seems he's a typical 'male ally', in that he tries to use it as a shield for treating women like shit. Kept tweeting 'woke' bullshit even after being outed. So yeah, fuck him.
I'm a big fan of a lot of his work, especially Buffy, Angel and Firefly.
Not really. I never liked Buffy and those shows that much.
I liked firefly alot but not much of anything else he's done. Fuck that pretentious, soft, pizza dough of a person.
Thought the first Avengers was awesome you guys are coming at Joss way too hard wtf :eek:
I don’t hate him...Angel, Buffy, Serenity, Cabin in The Woods, Agents of Shield....that’s not shabby.
imagine unironically watching superhero movies as an adult lmaooooooooo