Go down to the union office and ask about signing up to be a casual. Also keep your eye on the various ports and unions websites, and look for the lotteries. They have lotteries to get on the list to become a casual workers. Once you get that, you show up everyday and sign up to work. Depending on the amount of work, it will go first to Union A men, Union B men, and union casuals. As a casual, you will make a decent wage, and e doing mostly the hard grunt work. Once you get enough work hours, and positions open, you can make it into the union and become a B man. You will then get a higher wage, more guaranteed work and great Benefits. Depending on the port, it can take years for this to happen though. And despite public perception, Logeshoring his hard, fast paced, and very dangerous. Because of this, they have developed a very strong union, which people are jealous of. If you become a A man, and work weekly with overtime you can make six figures. But that takes 15+ years of hard work to achieve, and most A and B men have more skilled positions these days, like crane operators. They are also fighting aginst technology these days, with the big billion dollars over seas shipping companies would love to replace everyone with robots and unskill laborers. But the union is one of the few left that still fights for its members, so its still a prized job. Good luck, my brother just got a spot via the lottery and is leaving his teaching for it.