Antifa acting like pansies

Based and White Pilled

Gold Belt
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
I got bored and was clicking one "related video" after another on youtube until I wound up watching a string of fights involving antifa. It was amazing to me that in every single video they initiated the physical altercation, then proceeded to immediately start screaming not to touch them and acting outraged when someone met their force with force. I would link videos, but I'm pretty sure they would count as street fights. The videos are easy to find, but I warn you that after watching like 10 of them I still haven't found a decent scrap.

Discuss the cowardice of antifa.
Cool story, bro.

I watched a youtube video of a family of possums living in a lady's closet.
They are basicly political nerds looking for a cause to have some meaning in their life. They read about the 60s and think this is their time to be someone. The problem is they are too stupid and soft to find a real cause that means something.
Didn't you ever go through any phases as a teenager? Leave them alone man, they're going to be ashamed enough when their brains are fully developed. No reason to discuss it, it's just a bunch of young people with mental issues/no purpose looking for attention.