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So anybody that followed the show knows Anthony got fired from the show back in 2014 for going on a racial tirade on twitter after some black prostitute punched him in the face when she caught him taking pictures of her at like 2 am walking the street.
Since then he started his own subscription based podcast.
I don't listen to his show (pay wall) but from what I've gathered he just isn't funny anymore. His show is mainly him ranting about black people and liberals when he's solo. When he's a guest on Jim Norton's show he's still funny.
They did sign Artie Lange to be on the show and from what I've gathered the show was really good for a couple of weeks but then Artie started showing up an hour late and disappearing for like 30 minutes during the live show to do blow and heroin.
Then Artie got arrested a couple of weeks ago for failure to show up to court ( a few months back he got pulled over with a bunch of heroin in the car).
So the show sucks without Artie.
The first big thing the sub did to piss him off was get into a fight with his Brother Joe. Anthony gives his 60 year old brother an allowance and the people on the sub were making fun of Joe for it. Joe is also a racist piece of shit who's always tweeting shit. Besides his allowance from his little brother Joe's other source of income is being in a U2 cover band called 2U.
So the fighting went back and forth until one guy started sending Joe's racist tweets to bars that booked his cover band. A couple of the places cancelled his gigs and he sued one of the bar owners and they went on The People's Court.
Here is the episode. Joe wins the money but looks like a fucking idiot and embarrasses himself on National TV. After that he set all of his social media to private. Anthony was obviously pretty pissed about this.
Everything was pretty quite until this past week until Anthony's mom died. Somebody went on to her obituary and left an RIP comment (nothing bad) but signed it as Sue Lightning. Sue is a Tranny who was a guest on the show who everyone thinks Anthony banged and Anthony flips out when ever anyone brings her/him up.
So Anthony saw the comment and flipped out and now he's trying to get the sub shutdown. Unfortunately for him he's advertising the subreddit and they are posting and upvoting threads about his domestic assault/ creepy
And here is a bonus video
Over a year ago he was dating this 18 year old chick named Dani (started grooming her before that).
They got into a fight where he strangled her and bit her hand. She started periscoping it and called the cops.... They were both drunk and Anthony goes nuts trying to find his gun before the cops get there.
The guy is a piece of shit.