Another Triangle Question...


MMA Realist
Aug 13, 2006
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As I learn more grappling technique, I was just taught how to escape the triangle.

Here's the best explanation I can give.

Once you are in the hold, bend the trapped arm so you dig your elbow right in to your opponent's sternum and really lean in to it. One this is done, your opponent should be stunned enough so you can sit down and place both feet under their arm pits and push so you are completely out of the hold. Obviously you have to do this quickly before you head off in to La La land, but it can be done.

My question to you is this...have any of you learned this method before? and how legal is it in MMA?? It's not a striking maneuver with the tip of your elbow, so I am assuming that it would be, but please correct me if I am wrong.

Lookin forward to your answers.
The second he goes for a triangle, you should be thinking posture. This will prevent him from locking in a figure-four with his legs and tightening it up.
For mma purposes. Put your knee/shin across his face and put your weight on it. He'll let go.

more BJJ purposes. Attack the leg that's on your shoulder by forcing it to the ground and walking your feet around his head. (ex.) If his leg is over your left shoulder force it to the ground and move counter-clockwise around his head.

Green_Machine is 100% correct though. Posturing is the first and most important thing to do. My 2 escape were more oriented to if your head is already down
Dang There are so many Triangle Threads Im about to make a Video all about the triangle so it can answer everyones questions
Once you are in the hold, bend the trapped arm so you dig your elbow right in to your opponent's sternum and really lean in to it. One this is done, your opponent should be stunned enough so you can sit down and place both feet under their arm pits and push so you are completely out of the hold. Obviously you have to do this quickly before you head off in to La La land, but it can be done.

That's a great way to get armlocked.
I can see the confusion.

Once the elbow is in your sternum, the hold is weakened. From there you use your feet in his armpits to push yourself out of the entire hold. It does have to be done quickly because I can see how you can get in trouble with an arm lock of sorts.

As for posturing, yeah, that works before you are cinched, but I was looking for good escapes when it's pretty much locked in.

Thanks for the advice, and any vids would indeed help.