Another Synthol Freak

What is the exit strategy on that? It's about as drastic and recoverable as getting a face tattoo.
Why would you exit perfection?
Valid point as this is likely what he feels like.

My rather sane mind has been struggling with the notion of getting tattooed on the forearm. I have other work but none is visible in work attire. The forearm work would definitely be visible as my sleeves are always rolled up. I'm having a hard time pulling the trigger knowing how it make affect other's perception of me.
Valid point as this is likely what he feels like.

My rather sane mind has been struggling with the notion of getting tattooed on the forearm. I have other work but none is visible in work attire. The forearm work would definitely be visible as my sleeves are always rolled up. I'm having a hard time pulling the trigger knowing how it make affect other's perception of me.

Personally I'd stay conservative on that one. You never know where life is going to take you. There could be a point where you need a job badly and the forearm tat rules you out. It's tough enough out there as it is. I wouldn't make it even more difficult for yourself just for the sake of self expression.
Personally I'd stay conservative on that one. You never know where life is going to take you. There could be a point where you need a job badly and the forearm tat rules you out. It's tough enough out there as it is. I wouldn't make it even more difficult for yourself just for the sake of self expression.
A have a little story behind visible tattoos. I had worked for IBM prior to my current job. I showed up a company picnic wearing shorts. Well, I have a giant sea monster on my left leg (i'm not talking about my penis). I'm a kaleidoscope of color from the knee down. Not you average IBMer kind of thing to have back in the 90s. I spent the entire picnic under the probing eyes of management and answering my questions about what other lifestyle choices I might be making. I kept it all under wraps after that.
A have a little story behind visible tattoos. I had worked for IBM prior to my current job. I showed up a company picnic wearing shorts. Well, I have a giant sea monster on my left leg (i'm not talking about my penis). I'm a kaleidoscope of color from the knee down. Not you average IBMer kind of thing to have back in the 90s. I spent the entire picnic under the probing eyes of management and answering my questions about what other lifestyle choices I might be making. I kept it all under wraps after that.

They just wanted your sea monster.
Yep. Look at power lifters. They're basically fat guys who even lift. They just don't give a fuck about their appearance.

That only applies to the heavyweights. Lower weights, by definition, have to stay within their weight class limits. Which means they want as much muscle as possible, rather than fat.

A lot of Powerlifters also use Bodybuliding training methods as assistance. There's even a sub-class of training called Power Building which combines both sports.
I'm not going to lie, I'm mirin.

He's thick, solid and tight.
Diarrhea just got real.
FFS why? Everyone knows what synthol looks like now, you're not fooling anyone, and it looks grotesque to begin with. Just nasty.

He's a hero though, right? Brave and inspirational?

Ugh... No?

I assume you're trying to take a stab at SJW's, but I have no idea why you said it to my post. Anyone who disfigures their body in this way probably has some mental issues. Same with anorexia, or any other symptom of body dysmorphia.

for sure if ur gonna do something dumb just go ahead and do something that gives u real muscles and strength instead of synthol

awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.