Another question about creatine


Aug 31, 2005
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Should I still be taking creatine on days that I'm not training? And, if so, when would be a good time to? Iask the second part of the question because I was under the impresion that it was best to take creatine after a training session, like with your protein shake.

Also, this question was brought about by the fact that I've had a stomach flu for a few days, and have been laid up for a while. Plus, maybe I shouldn't even be worried about taking it. If I end up "losing it", what a waste, huh?

Anyway, any advice on the first part of the question would be appreciated.
Yes, take it on off days.

If you're sick, it doesn't really matter what you take. But then, if I got sick in the middle of a cycle I wouldn't stop for sinus problems.
I read a study in M&F (I was bored at work) not long ago about supplementing and training when one has taken to cold and they say continue your routine, it will have no effect on muscular performance or the effects of supplements you are taking.
Unless you have the flu, then your screwed.

Sorry this is a grammatically incorrct post.
Chad Hamilton said:
I read a study in M&F (I was bored at work) not long ago about supplementing and training when one has taken to cold and they say continue your routine, it will have no effect on muscular performance or the effects of supplements you are taking.
Unless you have the flu, then your screwed.

Sorry this is a grammatically incorrct post. know, Carnal just posted in the "Sick" thread in S&P:

Got a head cold: get to the gym pussy.
Got the flu: stay home, avoid injury.
Yeah, I started that thread, too. These are all question pertaining to the stomach flu that I just got over!!! Thank God! Now I can train, again! Thanks fior the advice, too.
farmboy said:
And, if so, when would be a good time to? Iask the second part of the question because I was under the impresion that it was best to take creatine after a training session, like with your protein shake.
I was under the impression that creatine got stored in muscles and therefore it did'nt matter when you took it. Is that right or have I misunderstood?
I just didn't really understand the idea that creatine eventually converts to creatinine. At leadt, that's what I thought. I don't really know the science behind this stuff!