Another Campaign Lie... Trump Tax Returns Never to Be Released


Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Platinum Member
May 11, 2016
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Sincere question.

Trump supporters - does this concern you?
Of all the bitchy threads you have, and will make about the Trumpster, this is actually a decent reason to moan about him..


As he robs you blind.
What part of the "giving the White House back to the people" plan is this?
In b4 5 pages of idiocy and incorrect usage of the word, "cuck".
If his voters were actually concerned, they would've demanded the release upfront -- not after. A good whore always knows to get paid beforehand.
Nope. Not even slightly.

How about the fact that he lied about intending to release hem. Does it bother you that he looked at all of you and straight faced lies for his own benefit?

Don't you worry what is so troubling in this returns that he won't share them?
I'm as concerned about his tax return as you guy were about how hillary went from being dead broke when she left the white house to being worth hundreds of millions...all by donations
I wish Trump would say to every politician asking to see the tax return, that they needed to disclose how they became millionaires AFTER becoming a politician.

and that maybe its time politicians had to suffer the same type IRS audits the private sector has to deal with
I didn't care about Clinton's (never looked at it) and i don't care about his.
The tax returns thing is stupid.
How about the fact that he lied about intending to release hem. Does it bother you that he looked at all of you and straight faced lies for his own benefit?

Don't you worry what is so troubling in this returns that he won't share them?
No, I'm honestly not worried about what's in his tax information. I'm also not overly concerned that he lied. I'm not worried about comments he said pre-campaign, during the campaign and since being sworn in. If I'm going to be concerned about anything it will be his actions.

To be a politician is to know how to lie straight to people's faces and smile while doing it. I have very little faith in any of them. But I am willing to allow their actions to change my mind on an individual bases over time.