Ankle Injury


White Belt
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
whats up guys. I was at a tournament about 4 months ago and was put in an ankle lock. I heard a slight tear but i managed to get out and win the match. Being my first time being put in an ankle lock i didnt know what to expect. It was huge for the first month. I went to the doctor and got all the x rays and all the other bs and they told me its was fine and that it could take a while before it heals back up completely. The funny part is that I can move it just fine, i feel no pain, and i can run jump and all the above. The only thing that bothers me is that it is still a lil swollen. Any body have this happen to them?
I had a similar injury to my left ankle. I tore the ATF Ligament. I was told that it could not be repaired because it is a fairly small ligament. My ankle was swollen off and on for months. Now my left ankle is hard to submit me on because it twist farther than normal. I do not know if you did the same injury or not. I probably will have trouble ealking when I am 70 but I will worry about that then.