"Animals" (New Animated HBO TV Series)


May 28, 2015
Reaction score
For anyone who hasn't heard of this show, you bastards better get on this.

I'm a big fan of the writing. Two episodes already in the bag, more to come.
Creative, and original.

Curious to know what people think.
Haven't heard much buzz surrounding, but I'd vouch for it all the way.
I haven't seen it yet but the cast definitely has me excited. Aziz, Kroll, Lapkus, Scotty Auks, Nathan Fielder, Mantzoukas, Eric Andre, Justin Roiland, Benny Schwaaaaa, Adam Scott etc. Holy shit what a cast.
They're 3 episodes in right now, and each one has been incredible.


Their soundtrack is also pretty amazing.

Stop trying to make Animals happen. You're not going to make it happen.
I've watched the first 3 episodes now and I dig it. The pay off in the third episode with Adam Scott's goose honking, holy shit, so good.

+juan for the soundtrack too. I've had to Shazam a couple of tracks already.
I fell a sleep with the tv on the other night watching a movie on HBO and this was on when I woke up in the middle of the night. I was half a sleep and was kind of confused to what the hell was on the tv. :D
it sucks more dick than Tito's exwife ever did
It's....different. Not sure if it's good yet, though. Can't say I'm busting a gut while watching it, and I don't think it's all that clever.
The end credits by Kurt Vile on Squirrels (Part 1) are my jams right now


My on demand channel has the epoisodes I wil check them out after I finish unbreakable kimmy Schmidt.
Lol I won't lie I loved unbreakable, so freaking funny.

Just finished the show and after an initial "eh" it really really grew on me. Great show.
This show has a surprising amount of heart. Love it.
Is this the same shit because I'm not watching it ever again.

I loved the last episode and the cat episode no a speak a
Gave it a proper chance, and marathon'd the season. Yeah, it's great. Hope they get a second season.