Angela Magana-I'm a Boss Bitch but during sex I'm Submissive & want a guy to take charge

Florian's biased commentary during the Bec fight? How was his commentary?
When I evaluate attractiveness, physical features are not the only thing that comes into play.

For me, and I don't care if that is not how it works for everybody else, but for me, personality matters.

So while she's got a fairly decent body (even though she's kind a got those fetal alcohol syndrome eyes), so let's say looks wise she was a six or seven.... her personality makes her a negative two.

She basically has every personality trait that I can't stand rolled into one and magnified.
Every week I do 2 Free Podcasts and Post them. Some people enjoy my show, others don't. I do the best I can. If you don't like it, move on. No need to get nasty. Have a great weekend.

No need to post virtually irrelevant click baits to generate hits for your own website, but you've been doing it continuously for several years now.

At least polskighost is kind enough to feed us substantial interviews with depth and then shoot us some entertaining, lengthy quotes. I actually click and like his YouTube videos as a return courtesy for his effort. You were literally just posting hot button titles and a link for years here.
She has skills and has beaten some good fighters.
What skills and who? Her UFC record is terrible. If straw weight wasn't as shallow as a kiddie pool she'd have already been cut.
I'm also a boss and like the sex to be done to me. I can relate to Magana here.....
Florian's biased commentary during the Bec fight? How was his commentary?
I didn't listen to the podcast but I am assuming she is complaining about Kenny being biased against Bec. While I agree Florini can be biased, there was nothing biased about that. Ham won that fight to me and many others, and 30-27 Rawlings was inexcusable judging. So if it is a popular opinion Ham won how is the commentary biased? Lol. Grasping at straws.
I vomited a little at that thread title.
Wood rather her than Sherdogs darling Joanna J.
No need to post virtually irrelevant click baits to generate hits for your own website, but you've been doing it continuously for several years now.

At least polskighost is kind enough to feed us substantial interviews with depth and then shoot us some entertaining, lengthy quotes. I actually click and like his YouTube videos as a return courtesy for his effort. You were literally just posting hot button titles and a link for years here.
The man is out here following his passion and trying to make something of it, cut the dude some slack instead of nitpicking dumb shit like the titles of his threads. You're just being an asshole
Angela Magana should know enough about her own division to know that Seo Hee Ham is Korean and not Japanese.
The man is out here following his passion and trying to make something of it, cut the dude some slack instead of nitpicking dumb shit like the titles of his threads. You're just being an asshole

My comment wasn't directed toward his thread titles, so much as to mention that his threads in themselves offer very little. He just posts here as an advertising opportunity for his own website, and always has.

You're lucky you aren't on Xbox, or we'd be settling this... In the octagon, with ineffective jabs and spinning shit.
My comment wasn't directed toward his thread titles, so much as to mention that his threads in themselves offer very little. He just posts here as an advertising opportunity for his own website, and always has.

You're lucky you aren't on Xbox, or we'd be settling this... In the octagon.

I am using this platform to share interviews I do with fighters. It's a Forum and I thought that some people who enjoy MMA would like to listen to some of them.
My comment wasn't directed toward his thread titles, so much as to mention that his threads in themselves offer very little. He just posts here as an advertising opportunity for his own website, and always has.

You're lucky you aren't on Xbox, or we'd be settling this... In the octagon, with ineffective jabs and spinning shit.
So he uses one of the most popular MMA sites, to promote his MMA podcast......

The man is hustling, no crime in that. Just move along if you don't like it. There are MUCH worse threads in this section, thats for sure
No need to post virtually irrelevant click baits to generate hits for your own website, but you've been doing it continuously for several years now.

At least polskighost is kind enough to feed us substantial interviews with depth and then shoot us some entertaining, lengthy quotes. I actually click and like his YouTube videos as a return courtesy for his effort. You were literally just posting hot button titles and a link for years here.

OK no worries man. I won't post on this website anymore. It's all good.