Spoken like a true teenager.
"Someone on the internet is calling me on my bullshit, he's so triggered!"
How old are you?
Kid, it is obvious you are triggered. That's why you ask such stupid question.
Think about it: Even if I told you my age, you would not believe me, so what's the point?
Besides, how is it in any way, shape or form related with the topic? (I know you are avoiding it, but that is just hilarious at this point that all your posts, none were related to the topic at hand on this or the original thread you got so trfggered about.
If you have a brain, use it.
Stop being so triggered, and let's have a conversation.
If you want to continue being butthurt because I spoke some facts you disliked, then I suggest you delete your account, since it is fairly obvious you can't handle a different opinion.
Just watch how I was able to speak the same things you got triggered about with
@sapporo ichiban.
We differ in opinion, but we are able to talk it through... unlike you, who could only throw insults and cry about it...
grow up, kid. You are only humiliating yourself.