Amir Khan gets attacked online by some religious Muslims for putting up a Christmass tree

Does anyone know why we don't do this for Christians? Look up obscure Twitter fanatics, angry hatemailers, and shit and then represent them as reflective of the entire religion?

I mean, if a Christian put on a yarmulke out of respect for his Jewish friends' event and put it on social media, you don't think some red necks and Mike Huckabee voters would send hatemail just like this?
Amir khan is a clown. How can u act all religious in ramadan and then put on a xmas tree months later. He is the only who publicized his islamic faith. But truth is he is just an attention seeker. The ramadan and eid pictures were pr as is this. Truth is no one respect someone like this

Is this serious?

He's a Western citizen: a Christmas tree is much more a Western pop cultural artifact than a religious one. Believe it or not, there are plenty (PLENTY) of US Muslims who put up Christmas trees.
Does anyone know why we don't do this for Christians?

Some of them run for senate.

And molest teenagers.

Different culture, hard to judge.
Is this serious?

He's a Western citizen: a Christmas tree is much more a Western pop cultural artifact than a religious one. Believe it or not, there are plenty (PLENTY) of US Muslims who put up Christmas trees.

You're talking to a cunt. He's basically the definition of a broken clock. He revels in certain ethnic/religious groups getting attacked or being oppressed.

Merry Christmas btw. Enjoyed your posts on here over the last few months.
What's with news outlets using words like "attacked" and "abused" every time some troll takes to social media? It sounds pretty weak.
You're talking to a cunt. He's basically the definition of a broken clock. He revels in certain ethnic/religious groups getting attacked or being oppressed.

Merry Christmas btw. Enjoyed your posts on here over the last few months.

I'm certainly not used to seeing Muslims railed against for not being religiously devout enough.

What's with news outlets using words like "attacked" and "abused" every time some troll takes to social media? It sounds pretty weak.

“As a fellow Muslim, I’m appalled seeing this. A Christmas tree represents CELTIC PAGAN tradition. Are you a Pagan?! Putting up a Christmas tree means you accept pagan culture and it’s not about ‘JUST FUN’. It’s SHIRK [a sin]!”

Actually moran its Germanic pagan tradition.

They should find the guys who threatened him and put them in a ring with Khan so they can get KTFO'd.
It's so hard to not want to be part of the best holiday.

The trees, the lights, the presents, the donating.
What an incredible holiday and those who practice it
At first I read that he was actually attacked. This is really pathetic, but is it still newsworthy when people get harassed by trolls? Every feminist, christian, muslim, Jew, psychologist, college professor, and athlete in America has received death threats by now.

Or was this trolling maybe from a specific group? Do they seem likely to seriously hurt him?

I'd pay good money to see Amir settle his differences in the ring with the retard who threatend his family. Khan's past his best, but Mr Durkha-Durkha! would still get brutally KTFO:)

So *some* Muslims have attacked Khan for putting up a Christmas tree, with one threatening to kill him. Others came to his defense saying it wasn't a religious symbol. Khan is a practicing Muslim.

Khan didn't seem to get backlash when he was seeing other women while married to his wife, but put up a Christmas tree and some religious Muslims lose their shit.

He was born and raised in a Western country, where the Christmas tree is tradition. These kind of religious Muslims want everyone to respect and tolerate Islamic culture but they are totally against respect for non-Muslim culture.

The Islamosupremacists must be concerned that Khan, being a major Muslim celeb, might lead other Muslims to go soft on Christmas and Christians. Can't be having Muslims being nice to the Kuffar.

One commenter says : “How could he betray religion like that?
religious Muslims want to convert people from other religions, which would mean these other folk are betraying their religion.

Good thing future LW champion Khabib is a big celebrity on MMA and is anti christmas. And yes Khabib is a practicing Muslim


and do not be surprised by religion Islam will impose it' will on any and everyone that is their game.
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Odd as I suspect my local curry house doesn't get death threats when they put their Christmas decs up , internet gonna internet I suppose .
All religions. I jab all of them

That's fine. Christianity lead to the construction of a society where you could do that freely. Took a while, but it got there.. Now we wait and see if it works.

Also, I wish Muslim people I know eid Mubarak at the end of Ramadan.. And that is HERE. It's polite and respectful. Muslims running to Christian countries should be as respectful.
That's fine. Christianity lead to the construction of a society where you could do that freely. Took a while, but it got there.. Now we wait and see if it works.

Also, I wish Muslim people I know eid Mubarak at the end of Ramadan.. And that is HERE. It's polite and respectful. Muslims running to Christian countries should be as respectful.

It would have happened MUCH sooner had Christianity never been invented. Free speech rose in spite of Christianity not because of it. Christianity would be Islam if the far right had their way. See Roy Moore. I firmly believe that
It would have happened MUCH sooner had Christianity never been invented. Free speech rose in spite of Christianity not because of it. Christianity would be Islam if the far right had their way. See Roy Moore. I firmly believe that

I respectfully disagree. Without Christianity, Islam would have spread and conquered, of course.
I respectfully disagree. Without Christianity, Islam would have spread and conquered, of course.

I believe that far right religious folk have to fight the urge to commit violent acts against people not like them. Gays, trans, atheists. I think because of societal norms they know they cannot do these things but if they were to follow the literal interpretation of the bible people like me would likely be killed.

Of course not ALL are like this but if you removed societal norms and let christianity run wild I would be afraid for non christians
Amir khan is a clown. How can u act all religious in ramadan and then put on a xmas tree months later. He is the only who publicized his islamic faith. But truth is he is just an attention seeker. The ramadan and eid pictures were pr as is this. Truth is no one respect someone like this

The only clown here are racist fucks like yourself.

Merry Christmas you cunt
I believe that far right religious folk have to fight the urge to commit violent acts against people not like them. Gays, trans, atheists. I think because of societal norms they know they cannot do these things but if they were to follow the literal interpretation of the bible people like me would likely be killed.

Of course not ALL are like this but if you removed societal norms and let christianity run wild I would be afraid for non christians

No man. People tribalize. Religion was invented to make the tribe larger, and to teach those within it that killing and greed is wrong. It got us further away from our animal instincs. That's why some incredibly wise people invented it. Small groups roaming around with no positive direction other than "I can have whatever I can take by force" is what religion stopped in the first place.

Brain-science shows faith and prayer puts people's thinking into their pre-frontal cortex, and makes them more empathetic and increases their organization.
Honestly I'm just so tired of "____ attacked online" or "______ outraged!" when we're talking about idiots commenting on social media shit, I don't give a shit about this story at all.

No one was "attacked". Dumb shit in the comments section and tweets aren't "outrage". This framing of online comments as large, real world group reactions to shit that barely amounts to a fart in reality is making me feel like a bitter old man. But seriously, get off my lawn with this shit already. All comment sections everywhere have crazy assholes threatening to kill people or saying nasty shit. They should never be news stories just because hot topics involving religion and politics are involved.

I do agree that the whole meme of making a fuss about some anon twitter or online comments isn't necessarily indicative of anything, and I have said as much in past threads. The difference here is that the sentiments expressed by critics of Khan's Christmas tree behavior are reflecting intolerant strains within the Ummah. Right now, the Indonesian police have warned Islamists not to raid gatherings of Christmas revelers (link found in earlier post) . And below article from Reuters was published yesterday.

”We have never heard of Islamic scholars forbidding Muslims to wish Merry Christmas before, for example. Now, this is a common phenomenon,” he said.

It isn't really about just a few intolerant Muslims. It is deeper than that.