You seem determined to defend shithole countries.
Oh', does the free thinking Liberal(that's you) want to bomb the shit out of them for not having Western values? Hmm...seems like you're not so open minded and accepting of other cultures after all...
It's Dubai. Slip a clerk a couple ingots under the table and watch the charges go away.
whose fault is it that cannabis is illegal basically worldwide? oh yah, USA.
when and why do you think UAE made cannabis illegal?
People are super irresponsible about not being prepared. I read a blog about a girl that climbed Fuji about 11 years ago. She went there in shirts and a tshirt. It’s 12,000 feet high. Even in summer it gets below freezing. She had to beg a borrow clothes on the way up because she was too childish to do any research or prepare. With google you should be able to understand that the law is such and they do or don’t enforce it and sometimes for no reason they enforce strictly. Law is dumb. But the run is dumb for trusting themNothing wrong with a country choosing what's morally right for their country and their culture, not that I agree with with this law. It sounds ridiculous for a positive test to count as possession but these are things you should be aware of before travelling to another country. It's your responsibility as a traveler to understand the customs of the culture you are visiting. I think UAE will let this slide because it does hurt them politically to punish an American citizen so strictly for something so benign.
that's what came to mind and the reason i'd never set foot that bleached, waxed and scented shithole
Sharia Law?when and why do you think UAE made cannabis illegal?
Then you go handle it Rambo.Correct. I'm not one of the tolerant liberals. If they want to act like savages, then we should treat them as such.