America needs a free market healthcare system

So you are ignoring history and empiricism and embracing your philosophical certainty despite evidence that market forces don't always produce the desired outcomes.
So you are ignoring history and empiricism and embracing your philosophical certainty despite evidence that market forces don't always produce the desired outcomes.

Provisionally true economic fundamentals have stayed provisionally true, yes.

Edit: By the way that's also not an implication that someone somewhere hasn't royally fucked someone or a whole lot of people over. It's just a question of which institution or set of institutions would be better at correcting and preventing that fuckery...
Sponsorship, maybe? Dunno if calling it that is exactly accurate, but making residents investments that would get recouped cause they stay for some years after might make it better for all. Kind of slippery slope to Cuba's "we trained you so you can't go make better money elsewhere" program, but a reasonable period to at least get back what they lost in the residency would at least be a step in encouraging it.

Truck driving school do it here in the states