America #1


Titanium Belt
Mar 31, 2008
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I posted this video in another thread, but thought a whole conversation could be had about it. In this little speech, he says, "we lead the world in only 3 categories, and then lists 3 random things, one of which, "people who believe angels are real", isn't even true. We're not even in the top 50 most religious countries. The categories in which we're #1, which are the most important, are we are the #1 destination for immigrants and we have the most new millionaires every year.

He listed a bunch of places who don't even claim to have freedom.

And a pretty decent rebuttal

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In a world where might makes right, the USA is #1 in spending on arms by a wide margin. Everything else is academic. :D
Wait...... You are saying fiction is not real?
Wait...... You are saying fiction is not real?
You are high as hell if you don't think anybody watching this agrees, and the dumb writer thought he was making good points too.




To be fair 'Greatness' is hard to quantify. But America has achieved a lot as a nation.
America is #1 is undeniable. We have a lot of flaws tho.

I had an argument in the heavies about this..they kept bringing up how our students suck, we are in debt etc...which Im sure a euro guy is gonna say in this thread.

But America is #1...

we have the most dominant military,inb4 we cant handle middle east, we arent fighting at fill potential.

We have the biggest corporations.

We have the lead in science and tech...thank you genius visa.

We have the most dominant culture..Our movies,music,video games etc are the at the top internationally. This is why kids from other nations know about our culture.

Sorry but we are the best, facts r facts....this of course doesnt excuse out horrible foreign policy.
ITT, denying US greatness is impossible.
Denying it just cements the truth of it, and the truth tastes like red, white, and blue.

Please don't point out how colors don't have a taste
You are high as hell if you don't think anybody watching this agrees, and the dumb writer thought he was making good points too.

The general concept seems valid. The details are obviously not true, the USA has tons of things it is best at. Getting worked up about a political point from a TV show is kinda silly. Its TV, its not supposed to be real.