Amanda Nunes swimming in pool... chronic sinusitis is worsened by chlorine! She was lying!


The King is BACK, baby!
Sep 2, 2010
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Amanda posted a pic of her swimming in a pool about 5 minutes ago.

According to Google (and when is Google ever wrong?)....

"Chlorine, however, is an even more common cause for post-swim sinus problems. The chlorine in pools can cause inflammation in the lining of the sinuses—sinusitis—as well as inflammation in the lining of the nasal passages—rhinitis."

Surely a doctor would have told her to avoid pools. And if she really had sinusitis, surely she would notice a worsening of symptoms!

So is this proof that she was lying?

I believe so!
1. There are lots of saltwater pools.
2. It is quite possible that she is unaware of any negative effects of chlorine. Because when I talk about anything like that (negative effetcs of such and such upon your health or whatever) around Brazilians I'm usually told that I "read too much."
I urinate in alot of pools so she could be swimming in piss which will sterilize her infection

It's not the same though.

Partially true.

High Quality Chlorine
The chlorine produced by this electrolytic process is less harsh than the traditional “tri-chlor” chlorine used for pools. Chlorine created from salt does not smell like bleach, and is very gentle to skin, hair and swim suits. The water has a softer feel. These are the more aesthetic benefits of using a salt chlorine generator. Other pros include not having to buy, handle or store buckets of chlorine. It is also considered to be a purer and therefore healthier form of chlorine, for those interested in limiting their exposure to this potent chemical.
The fact that she's even smiling makes me angry.

That's what a hater I am.