Am I Racist (matt walsh movie)

I kind of agree with him sort of. I always feel like a total bitch if I gotta take a sick day but I don't think everyone has to feel like that. I don't work in a big office where I won't be missed and I know someone is going to have a long day or days if I call in and I hate to burden anyone. Plus I'm a workaholic and get a great deal of satisfaction from a long day.
Easy for some podcaster to talk nonsense into a microphone. Much less for a truck driver who can crash or a construction worker where disaster is around every corner.
Only 6 critics have had the guts to review it so far, the only bad critic review was by some troon not surprisingly. Still doesn't even an official critic rating yet is at 98% on audience reviews.


Wow... someone who follows that Media Matters shill agrees with him.

And there's some replies that say 'Your employers will replace you within a week when you die.' First, if you're not satisfied with where you work, what you do, and how much you're paid then find a place that you are satisfied with. Second, its more about you and your work ethic than your employer. If you're legitimately sick and can't work then use a sick day, as Matt said he's done the same. He's more addressing the lazy... and the lazy don't have a strong work ethic anyway, and are usually progressives. So in this case he's preaching to the choir of his conservative fanbase.

Not surprising progressives are finding his statement triggering.
Why would anyone listen to this goof? He clearly knows nothing of the subjects he speaks.

Even Ryan Grim dismantles his line of thinking. Instead of just admitting to knowing nothing, he doubles down. The American way.

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i first heard of matt walsh when simpsons cancelled Apu for racism.. i miss Apu.....might check this out
Only 6 critics have had the guts to review it so far, the only bad critic review was by some troon not surprisingly. Still doesn't even an official critic rating yet is at 98% on audience reviews.

This actually caused me to google.,,,"Jessie Gender".


The old "gender" as substitute to having an actual personality.
Looks funny. Americans are so obsessed with race its hilarious. Even the bleeding heart left are obsessed with race.

Just like in the video, I also thought race was going to be a thing of the past growing up in the 90s. Now race is even more important.
Americans are not obsessed by race they have fetish for it and that is next level pathetic.i mean they are in honor somebody offends black people it is like how can you do that to greatest race and good race ever. It is like they look at mirror and say to them self I am pathetic what I did to greatest race in 1900s. They self hate they get submissive to them and so on.

Wow... someone who follows that Media Matters shill agrees with him.

And there's some replies that say 'Your employers will replace you within a week when you die.' First, if you're not satisfied with where you work, what you do, and how much you're paid then find a place that you are satisfied with.
This has absolutely nothing to do with a person taking some sick days cause they are.... what's the word... sick. Job satisfaction and sick days have nothing to do with each other.

Second, its more about you and your work ethic than your employer. If you're legitimately sick and can't work then use a sick day, as Matt said he's done the same.
Work ethics have jack to do with being sick. Prioritizing work over health results in you being more sick. It will only exacerbate if there is a lingering problem.

He's more addressing the lazy... and the lazy don't have a strong work ethic anyway, and are usually progressives. So in this case he's preaching to the choir of his conservative fanbase.
Amazing how he created someone imaginery person for you to be angry at. There's always a bad guy for you to fight. In this case, the "bad guy" is someone using sick days.. Maybe they are sick. You don't know.

You know this "lazy" made up person is faking it for a sick day. It can only be laziness because he says so. Because it fits his paradigm. There can be no other reason.

Not surprising progressives are finding his statement triggering.
It's a wonder how easily influenced some people are. Instead of standing up for other working class people, you are ready to label them lazy without any evidence to the contrary.
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Jeremy Jahns said that as someone who doesn't follow politics that closely, he was surprised at how funny Matt Walsh is in the movie.

It seems like the consensus is that the movie is downright hilarious, which explains why the leftists are doubling down on "LOL @ conservatives can't do comedy!"

Rogan today said it's one of the funniest movies he's seen in ages.
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Americans are not obsessed by race they have fetish for it and that is next level pathetic.i mean they are in honor somebody offends black people it is like how can you do that to greatest race and good race ever. It is like they look at mirror and say to them self I am pathetic what I did to greatest race in 1900s. They self hate they get submissive to them and so on.

Pretty true, and very sad.

First off, gender is a very boring topic in general. People that focus their lives on making their gender and sex life public and an issue are largely very vapid and boring. They seem to fail at most everything else, and it's kind of like grabbing at taboo for relevancy.

Second, it's really impacted conversations and culture. Workplaces have become so stiff and sterile for an off color joke or someone micro aggressing someone is supposed to be some big deal. It's really lame.
Jeremy Jahns said that as someone who doesn't follow politics that closely, he was surprised at how funny Matt Walsh is in the movie.

It seems like the consensus is that the movie is downright hilarious, which explains why the leftists are doubling down on "LOL @ conservatives can't do comedy!"

Rogan today said it's one of the funniest movies he's seen in ages.

What made the first movie entertaining was the actual nutty people he interviewed. He didn't carry the movie, it was the guests.

I expect this movie will be similar. Walsh looked so stupid at the DNC though, and he's an idiot, but he actually does find far left idiots that are the flip side of the dip shit coin he's also on.
This has absolutely nothing to do with a person taking some sick days cause they are.... what's the word... sick.

Actually it does matter for those who disagree with the notion if avoid taking sick days if you're not really sick.

I've known people who taken sick days for a 101 degree fever.


Oh boo hoo you're so sick.

Job satisfaction and sick days have nothing to do with each other.
Actually it does, because its so much more common to use any excuse to not work when you have a poor opinion of your work.

Work ethics have jack to do with being sick. Prioritizing work over health results in you being more sick. It will only exacerbate if there is a lingering problem.

You're obviously pretending he's saying those who are on death's door should go to work anyway.

By the way, every 'mild illness' that supposedly would get worse by going to work can be cured quickly by using honey, cinnamon, and green tea.

Amazing how he created someone imaginery person for you to be angry at. There's always a bad guy for you to fight. In this case, the "bad guy" is someone using sick days.. Maybe they are sick. You don't know.

You know this "lazy" made up person is faking it for a sick day. It can only be laziness because he says so. Because it fits his paradigm. There can be no other reason.

Did Matt say "Everybody that uses sick days is lazy" in that clip?

It's a wonder how easily influenced some people are. Instead of standing up for other working class people, you are ready to label them lazy without any evidence to the contrary.

'Evidence to the contrary?'
Your party for decades has attracted votes from the lazy by promising to 'tax the rich' to give food stamps, welfare checks, and numerous other 'free' services to the lazy.

Yes, its a wonder how easily influenced some people are... when the influence is 'free shit other people get to pay for.'
Actually it does matter for those who disagree with the notion if avoid taking sick days if you're not really sick.

I've known people who taken sick days for a 101 degree fever.


Oh boo hoo you're so sick.

Actually it does, because its so much more common to use any excuse to not work when you have a poor opinion of your work.

You're obviously pretending he's saying those who are on death's door should go to work anyway.

By the way, every 'mild illness' that supposedly would get worse by going to work can be cured quickly by using honey, cinnamon, and green tea.

Did Matt say "Everybody that uses sick days is lazy" in that clip?

'Evidence to the contrary?'
Your party for decades has attracted votes from the lazy by promising to 'tax the rich' to give food stamps, welfare checks, and numerous other 'free' services to the lazy.

Yes, its a wonder how easily influenced some people are... when the influence is 'free shit other people get to pay for.'
I think I have around 2300 hours of accrued sick time right now because I never use it. I still think your 101 fever and honey/cinnamon/tea stances are hilariously fucking stupid.
Actually it does matter for those who disagree with the notion if avoid taking sick days if you're not really sick.
Work satisfaction has nothing to do with being being sick or taking sick days. Someone could be completely satisfied with their job and still need a sick day.

I've known people who taken sick days for a 101 degree fever.

Oh boo hoo you're so sick.
Not everyone reacts to illness the same way. If you've been around a person for one second, you would know that.

Actually it does, because its so much more common to use any excuse to not work when you have a poor opinion of your work.
You know this because of your empirical evidence, right? You love that bad guy who takes all the sick days while you have to work.

Sick days are a right. You don't need a 101 fever to take a sick.

You're obviously pretending he's saying those who are on death's door should go to work anyway.
Literally never said this. You made it up. I'm clearly saying he thinks people who use sick days are lazy cause he knows all about everyone everywhere when in fact he knows nothing.

By the way, every 'mild illness' that supposedly would get worse by going to work can be cured quickly by using honey, cinnamon, and green tea.

Did Matt say "Everybody that uses sick days is lazy" in that clip?
No and neither did I say that he did.

'Evidence to the contrary?'
Your party
Stop right there. What party are you speaking of? Democrat? You've lost every part of your mind.

'Evidence to the contrary?'
Your party for decades has attracted votes from the lazy by promising to 'tax the rich' to give food stamps, welfare checks, and numerous other 'free' services to the lazy.
I'm pretty sure you are referring to democrats. The last two dem presidents wanted to cut social services.

Again, you are fighting some invented lazy bad guy. There are lazy people for sure. But who cares. They have no money or power. Someone scamming for food stamps isn't living on Madison Avenue.
Yes, its a wonder how easily influenced some people are... when the influence is 'free shit other people get to pay for.'
You are clearly influenced by this guy and his made up lazy person narrative.

If someone is feeling burnt out and uses a sick day, why do you give a shit?

Seriously, if everything you said is true, why do you care?

Taking advantage of sick days is so small scale. Those are literally sick days they have from their work. There are hardly any specific rules to using a sick day like you need a doctor's note or show us a picture of your injury.

Walsh uses working people to be angry at other working people. Rich assholes live in the ivory tower and have all days off that they use yachting with your money.
I think I have around 2300 hours of accrued sick time right now because I never use it. I still think your 101 fever and honey/cinnamon/tea stances are hilariously fucking stupid.
You have an entire year of full-time sick time accrued? Not quite buying that claim.

Apparently you skimmed my post if you think I posted I've taken time off for a 101 degree fever.

And you don't know shit about honey, cinnamon, & green tea.

Work satisfaction has nothing to do with being being sick or taking sick days. Someone could be completely satisfied with their job and still need a sick day.
This isn't a reply to the portion of my post you quoted.

Sick days are a right. You don't need a 101 fever to take a sick.
'A right?' What country do you live in?

Literally never said this. You made it up. I'm clearly saying he thinks people who use sick days are lazy cause he knows all about everyone everywhere when in fact he knows nothing.

Which is ironic, since he said he's taken sick days.

Did you even watch that clip, or did you think the caption on the tweet accurately summarized his entire argument?
I'm clearly saying he thinks people who use sick days are lazy

Did Matt say "Everybody that uses sick days is lazy" in that clip?

No and neither did I say that he did.
You need need to get your story straight.

Stop right there. What party are you speaking of? Democrat? You've lost every part of your mind.

Progressives either vote Democrat or don't vote at all. So yes, they are your party.

I'm Libertarian/Conservative and I either vote Republican or not at all. So its my party.

The last two dem presidents wanted to cut social services.
You should tell that to people who received Obamaphones.

Bet they'd be surprised to hear that.

Again, you are fighting some invented lazy bad guy. There are lazy people for sure. But who cares. They have no money or power. Someone scamming for food stamps isn't living on Madison Avenue.

Who cares about Madison Avenue.
Are they calling in sick for a 101 degree fever?

You are clearly influenced by this guy and his made up lazy person narrative.
No, I've called in sick twice in my entire life.
While I've seen lazy fucks call in sick because they wanted to play video games, or because they have a mild cough.

If someone is feeling burnt out and uses a sick day, why do you give a shit?

I'd say they should find a new place to work, or go on vacation if they have it.

Walsh uses working people to be angry at other working people. Rich assholes live in the ivory tower and have all days off that they use yachting with your money.
Thank you for confirming what I suspected, that you resent having to have to work... which is one of the worst things about capitalism.
Seems familiar watching right wingers ITT making yet another thread about race, on a video about race, falling over each other and screaming into the ether about how obsessed everyone else is about race. Oh, didn't forget to bring up transsexuals either I see.
considering that the movie has made $5 mil so far, I'm going on a limb, it's not just right wingers that are watching this. Considering Matt's style, left wingers are invited to hang themselves, and I'm sure much of the movie shows this.