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Am I Racist (matt walsh movie)

Those could just be the loudest people who make the most posts. From the study:

"Research in the field shows that the vast majority of incels are neither physically violent nor aggressively misogynistic online, but a significant minority of incels (~10%) engage in misogynistic hostility online."

Well, I have a different paper

"Participants perceived high levels of victimhood, anger and misogyny. They also acknowledged a shared worldview among incels which includes
identifying feminists as a primary enemy"

Well, I have a different paper

"Participants perceived high levels of victimhood, anger and misogyny. They also acknowledged a shared worldview among incels which includes
identifying feminists as a primary enemy"

They didn't appear to sample incels. It looks like they just looked at narratives/posts on incel websites, which are disproportionately written by few people.

You see the same phenomenon everywhere. Even on this website. This website is overwhelmingly right wing (polls on this sub-forum would suggest that), but the posts are more left wing than anything because the left wingers post much more.

Anyone who is misogynistic is likely to be narcissistic and narcissists make many more posts on the internet (forums, twitter, etc.) in general. So you have discourse disproportionately being written and driven by them. These people apparently represent only 10% of incels. Narcissists are about 7% of the general population so that isn't surprising.
If you have a fever, stay home. Don’t infect other people. In fact, that’s policy in my company.

This movie looks good. I’ll watch it for sure, but as someone else said, it’s a few years late.
Well, I have a different paper

"Participants perceived high levels of victimhood, anger and misogyny. They also acknowledged a shared worldview among incels which includes
identifying feminists as a primary enemy"

Ok I just realized that your quote and the abstract that came up in the link don't match. I googled your quote and the following came up. The article includes the quote you posted.

Attitudes and beliefs: Participants perceived high levels of victimhood, anger and misogyny. They also acknowledged a shared worldview among incels which includes identifying feminists as a primary enemy.

Political beliefs: Many commentators have suggested a link between incels and the far right. However, using Pew Research’s “Ideological Consistency Scale”, this survey found that incels were slightly left of centre on average.The exception was those who agreed that violence against individuals that that cause incels harm is often justified. These individuals were right-leaning, though not extremely so – they held right-wing opinions for 60% of the items in the Ideological Consistency Scale, compared to 45% of the items for the rest of the sample.

Approval of violence: When asked if they justify violence against people that incels perceive as causing harm (self-defined by participants) to them, around one quarter of the sample picked either “Sometimes” or “Often”, while those who picked “Often” formed just over 5%. The average response sat between “Never” and “Rarely”.

Demographics: Incels were typically in their mid-twenties, heterosexual and childless. Though the majority of the exclusively US and UK sample were white, it was ethnically diverse, with 42% self-identifying as a person of colour.

Rather in line with the UT Austin study. Overall incels are left leaning. They found that the violent incels were right leaning, but they appear to represent a small minority of incels anyway.
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Ok I just realized that your quote and the abstract that came up in the link don't match. I googled your quote and the following came up. The article includes the quote you posted.

Attitudes and beliefs: Participants perceived high levels of victimhood, anger and misogyny. They also acknowledged a shared worldview among incels which includes identifying feminists as a primary enemy.

Political beliefs: Many commentators have suggested a link between incels and the far right. However, using Pew Research’s “Ideological Consistency Scale”, this survey found that incels were slightly left of centre on average.The exception was those who agreed that violence against individuals that that cause incels harm is often justified. These individuals were right-leaning, though not extremely so – they held right-wing opinions for 60% of the items in the Ideological Consistency Scale, compared to 45% of the items for the rest of the sample.

Demographics: Incels were typically in their mid-twenties, heterosexual and childless. Though the majority of the exclusively US and UK sample were white, it was ethnically diverse, with 42% self-identifying as a person of colour.

Rather in line with the UT Austin study. Overall incels are left leaning. They found that the violent/misogynistic incels were right leaning, but they appear to represent a small minority of incels anyway.

Overall? I'd say that's a reach. If anything there isn't really a clear political indicator. But the psychotic ones are absolutely the online red pilled ones
Looks funny. Doesn't make up for the fact thar Matt Walsh is one of the biggest fucking tools on the internet.
I've never even heard of this guy before. But he's a clown. Not promoting violence but sometimes a person needs to be asked what did the 5 fingers say to the face.

Guys a Podcaster and he lectures people about manliness lol absoloute twat
This dude trying to be Borat, but unsuccessfully. He has the charisma of a turd.

He also went full retard on the Rogan podcast when he was vehemently arguing against legalized weed and gay marriage. He was argued into a corner, but kept doubling down.

I agree with some of his stuff like trans athletes and giving kids drugs, but this guy is 100% also a grifter.
The fight against legalized weed is always sooooo strange. Especially as a Canadian where it's legal everywhere.
I know that you know thats a lie, the incel community is almost exclusively right wing. Usually red-pilled, friendless dorks that spend too much time online looking at memes instead of socializing and develop this unhealthy hatred for women.

Lmfao. Brother your one of the most active posters on a karate forum talking politics. Look in the mirror.
That doesn't really track as you always seem to find the time to be on the wrong side of racial topics, like The Haitians thread.
Thats not even a racial issue. Several of the complaints were coming from black residents.
"Color blindness" is being used as a weapon to silence discussion and turn back progress. You're doing it right now.
No, its not. The new fad of seeing color with everything is causing division and resentment. Racial tension was much better in the 80s and 90s.

It's like quoting MLK on content of character but ONLY that, and ignoring everything else he said before and after.
People quote that because there's a big push coming from the left to judge people on the color of their skin. You would think people shouldn't need to be constantly reminded of it.

The Lee Atwater quote illustrates how conservatives at the top craft their language to avoid using color specifically, but their message is specifically for white people and attacks black people. Knowing this strategy was designed to obfuscate racism while promoting it, how can you be comfortable doing exactly what they planned?
I don't know what this quote is or how conservatives are using it, but like I said I was raised this way. I grew up in hardcore democrat area with democrat parents. So, I don't know what connection you're trying to make here.

I've never considered you particularly racist like Scerpi or Confucamus. There's a very natural resistance to immigration, it's human nature to feel more comfortable around people you have a lot in common with. The shop where I work is packed with immigrants from everywhere and everyone collects in groups where they share a language and background.
I'm not sure you're the best judge of character when it comes to this stuff. You defended Hillary cozying up to a former Klan member and said it was okay because he let his klan dues expire and is now a democrat.

I don't consider resistance to immigration racist, but it's a matter of degree. Trump's success signaled the death of the euphemism, and the popularity of his message has been very discouraging. His dehumanization of non-white immigrants should have been disqualifying but the zeal with which conservatives amplified him shows just how far we haven't come.
I'm actually married to a non-white immigrant.
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I'll be honest, I'm not sure how many sick days I've taken because I was sick. I used them basically as a vacation day here and there. Not saying I don't do it and I'm above it, just saying he's kind of right.
Just because you did it doesn't mean everyone does.

If someone randomly feels the need to take a day off and they aren't "sick", it doesn't mean they shouldn't take that day off. Burnout is real. People are still flesh and blood.
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If I break into your house and steal your TV it would be a very small crime compared to other, bigger crimes. However, I think everyone would understand why you would care.
I hate this term but this is a false equivalency. Stealing someone's property and using a sick day that you earn by working isn't even remotely the same.

Using sick days is legal. Stealing someone's shit isn't.
Just because you did it doesn't mean everyone does.

If someone randomly feels the need to take a day off and they aren't "sick", it doesn't mean they shouldn't take that day off. Burnout is real. People are still flesh and blood.
Since I've started working remotely the number of "mental health" days I've taken off has dropped to zero. It's amazing what not having to get dressed, drive to work, and deal with office politics will do to improve that part of our lives.
Just because you did it doesn't mean everyone does.

If someone randomly feels the need to take a day off and they aren't "sick", it doesn't mean they shouldn't take that day off. Burnout is real. People are still flesh and blood.
As a Rest and Vester I whole heartily support taking days off when I have a headache or I prefer to be out trail running.