Always Hungry


White Belt
Jan 4, 2013
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Hey everyone first post so go easy ;)

I quit smoking and decided to start training and exercising around 8 months ago.

I started with weights and now train muay thai and BJJ at least 3 times a week. I work long hours at night and my sleeping and eating schedule is really fucked up.

I noticed some weight gain and increased appetite almost immediately after stopping smoking but this has not subsided and if anything may have gotten worse. I can literally eat a very good sized meal and be hungry almost immediately after. Plus I often crave sweet stuff after almost all my meals.

So I guess I'm wondering the best food types to keep you feeling satisfied for longer and also if there is anything else I should be worried about health wise? :/
There's nothing you should be worried about in terms of your health. You should eat more protein-rich foods such as chicken, beef, etc. You should also eat significantly more fibrous foods, such as spinach, apples, avocados, etc. Those will keep you feeling fuller for longer. Also, you should make sure that you aren't eating at a huge caloric deficit because that can certainly make you hungry.

Congratulations on quitting smoking and living a healthier lifestyle. You should seriously get your sleep cycle reset around your work schedule. A good sleep doctor can help you do that. Being tired all the time can make some people hungry.
protein fat and fiber are very sating, i find that drinking water when i'm hungry curbs the hunger but doesn't keep me full so long that when i want to eat i can't, and it's calorie free! also there's rumors that caffeine is a hunger suppressant but i think that varies based on the individual.
Try drinking a couple of glasses of water. This can put it off for a while. Also lots of veggies, protein, and healthy fats. Cottage cheese and almonds are a couple of good choices that work well for appetite control.
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unfortunately hunger is a feeling you will have to get used to and learn not to give into.

our modern lifestyles and years of comfort eating make our bodies crave food when we dont actually need it. the best way (imo) to fight this is to stick with a meal schedule and make sure all of your meals (aside from cheat days) are nutrient rich. lots of proteins, veggies and fruit, and whole grain carbs. calculate how many calories your body needs and build your schedule from there.

when you get those cravings, try a bit of peanut butter with a glass of water.
I have found that this works best to satiate my hunger when I'm feeling lazy.

i dont really know if its mental or physical (or both) but i find that a spoon of peanut butter gives me a great little boost of energy. its a wonderful "pick me up" and is almost like a treat now.

i dont eat sweets or anything like that except for cheat days so peanut butter is like candy now.
Since I currently have a desk job and don't burn many calories outside of the gym, I started keeping a bag of baby carrots, a can of peanuts, and a half gallon jug of water at my desk. I eat a carrot and a few peanuts every half an hour. By the end of the day, I've eaten about 2 servings of carrots, 2 servings of peanuts, and a half gallon of water, and it helps curb my appetite which if left unchecked can be enormous.
i dont really know if its mental or physical (or both) but i find that a spoon of peanut butter gives me a great little boost of energy. its a wonderful "pick me up" and is almost like a treat now.

i dont eat sweets or anything like that except for cheat days so peanut butter is like candy now.

I can eat big. Real big. Big by fat people standards.

Sometimes, when I know I've eaten enough, and my tummy is going all little shop of horrors on me, I know the only thing that will satiate the craving is peanut butter. It has a really nice mix of protein, fat, and carbs that will cure pretty much whatever my body is looking for.

Re treat status: Nope. I eat like shit but I loves me some peanut butter.
This is due to a change in dopamine levels after quitting an addiction. Lots of rehabs use Jolly Ranchers and Tootsie Rolls to satiate the need throughout the day.
going to strongly disagree with the jolly rancher and tootsie roll suggestion, assuming you want progress with weight loss and overall fitness.

take a healthier route.
More fat. More fiber. Less high glycemic foods (sugary crap). Problem solved.
Black Coffee works well for me, in the morning anyway. I always find if I skip breakfast have a smallish lunch (Banana and Sandwich) and a big Dinner seems to keep me in check in the evenings. The more I eat the hungrier I get and I suck at sitting at home hungry too.
Hey everyone first post so go easy ;)

I quit smoking and decided to start training and exercising around 8 months ago.

I started with weights and now train muay thai and BJJ at least 3 times a week. I work long hours at night and my sleeping and eating schedule is really fucked up.

I noticed some weight gain and increased appetite almost immediately after stopping smoking but this has not subsided and if anything may have gotten worse. I can literally eat a very good sized meal and be hungry almost immediately after. Plus I often crave sweet stuff after almost all my meals.

So I guess I'm wondering the best food types to keep you feeling satisfied for longer and also if there is anything else I should be worried about health wise? :/

1) Find out how many Calories (on average) you need to eat everyday to maintain your current weight

^ Then cut 500 calories from that # and go from there.

2) Drink more water, at least 1gallon a day. Bring a water bottle everywhere you go and keep on sippin!

3) Eat more Nutriciously Dense foods. These will give you the most bang for your buck. For example, 200 calories of Brocolli will fill you up more than 200calories of deep fried onion rings.

4) Eat foods that are high in fiber. You can also take a fiber supplement like psylliun husk, but you can easily get it from whole food sources.

5) Eat more PROTEIN! At least 1-1.5g of Protein per pound of body weight each day. Meat, fish, beans, whey protein powder, etc.

6) Find healthy ways to satisfy your Sweet Tooth: As a snack you can eat unflavored Greek Yogurt with strawberries, peanut butter, a scoop of protein, and a dash of cinnamon. Fruit is also tasty and a lot more nutrient dense than crap like candy. "Sludge" = Protein powder fudge...Dump a scoop of whey protein powder onto a plate and add a little water as you stir. You can add it to a lot of stuff to get some sweetness + 24g extra Protein.

7) Get more SLEEP.

8) Plan your Meals ahead of time. If you have a busy schedule you can pick 1 day of the week that your prepare all of your meals.
Thanks very much for all the responses guys. Over the past week I've been implementing as many of the tips as possible. peanut butter has definitely had the biggest impact and been the best for the quick fix.

I've also realised I wasn't drinking anywhere near enough water. Probably like a litre a day. I now drink 4-6 and that's definitely helped a lot. Nuts were great to. I take a bag of almonds to work almost every day.

The only thing I'm sit struggling with is my sleep pattern but I think that's slowly starting to correct itself with all the other positive changes.

Thanks so much guys I feel so much better after only a week. Hopefully I can stay on the right path now.
Thanks very much for all the responses guys. Over the past week I've been implementing as many of the tips as possible. peanut butter has definitely had the biggest impact and been the best for the quick fix.

I've also realised I wasn't drinking anywhere near enough water. Probably like a litre a day. I now drink 4-6 and that's definitely helped a lot. Nuts were great to. I take a bag of almonds to work almost every day.

The only thing I'm sit struggling with is my sleep pattern but I think that's slowly starting to correct itself with all the other positive changes.

Thanks so much guys I feel so much better after only a week. Hopefully I can stay on the right path now.

Always keep in mind how Great you feel when you are giving your body what it needs, and how Shitty you feel when you aren't!

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