almost fell asleep... twice


White Belt
Mar 4, 2006
Reaction score
literally. head-bobs and everything. i was even well rested. i definitely won't be watching okami fight any time again.

anyway, glad i'm awake and good to go now.. pumped for JDS v cain this like your first time watching Okami fight or something?
Pretty lackluster main card so far.
Look, it's perfectly easy to understand: dude is an AWESOME grappler. He just is. He fights Boestch. He's dominating the fight. He's striking with the guy, gets caught, pays the price. Now he has to reclimb the ladder. His livelihood depends on it. So he fights smart, fights safe, and wins.

What would you do, if it meant thousands of dollars in your pocket?
The free UFC events seem to be better than the ones you pay for lately. I'm thankful I skipped this one from what I'm hearing!
Nothing wrong with not enjoying all aspects of the sport. I do, but I won't blame anyone who doesn't.
Miller vs. Lauzon hopefully brings the heat.
Totally! Leben-Brunson was a technical showdown.
The Costa fight was great to. I couldn't believe it when he was finally able to finish his opponent who could not see, a huge cut, and had a broken hand.
Here in Hawaii it's 6:41 pm so a few boring fights is incapable of making me fall asleep.
somebody needs to make an okami meme with "that's racist"

lol, jk re racist part. but it would be funny
cool story

you made a second account just to repsond to your other account?

(or are we supposed to believe that the thread was made and responded to in the same minute which would be 60 seconds or less)

that is really sad

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