Me too, people have amnesia and forget fast, Valentina will remind everyone she's still the bestI'm surprised at how many people are picking Grasso. She was down 2 rounds to 1 in the first fight (and was losing the fourth round until the submission), and she should have lost the second fight if the judging was consistent. What's she going to bring to this third fight that she didn't in the first two?
I'm surprised at how many people are picking Grasso. She was down 2 rounds to 1 in the first fight (and was losing the fourth round until the submission), and she should have lost the second fight if the judging was consistent. What's she going to bring to this third fight that she didn't in the first two?
That's a silly way to say that the first two fights were pretty close to dead even but for Grasso getting the stop the first time around . Grasso was winning the fourth round by the time the first fight was stopped, so if Schevchenko defended a bit better that fight was 2-2 going into the fifth, and, while the 10-8 round in the second fight that turned it into a draw was weird, 3-2 for either fighter was not weird at all.I'm surprised at how many people are picking Grasso. She was down 2 rounds to 1 in the first fight (and was losing the fourth round until the submission), and she should have lost the second fight if the judging was consistent. What's she going to bring to this third fight that she didn't in the first two?
It's a year later and Valentina is 36.I'm surprised at how many people are picking Grasso. She was down 2 rounds to 1 in the first fight (and was losing the fourth round until the submission), and she should have lost the second fight if the judging was consistent. What's she going to bring to this third fight that she didn't in the first two?
Grasso's grappling? You high?You made similar comments about their other fights, yet grasso still has the belt. She brings the same thing she's always brought -- More durability, and the offensive potency/ability to steal the bigger moments of the fight, which tends to swing competitive rounds in her favor. Val will likely win more minutes of the fight yet again, only to get rocked or dropped or give up her back or neck in a round she was otherwise winning.
We've seen Grasso take val's best shots and keep coming, where as Val hasn't shown the ability to take Grasso's best shots as well. We've seen grasso deal with val's best positions in grappling, whereas Val hasn't dealt with grasso's best positions in grappling as well.
That isn't even mentioning the age and long lay off.
Grasso's grappling? You high?