Alex Jones on Islam


A charming asshole
Yellow Card
Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
I know I know....This guy is a nut, I love listening to his rants I find him hilarious. This man could cut one hell of a promo in pro wrastlin that's for sure....But while listening to him spouting on I came across this. He starts in 2-3 mins.....I found what he had to say very interesting. I try to get every side I can on this issue and so here I am listening to this maniac...But I found it interesting and am wondering if any War Room guys will give it a listen and tell me what they think.

He would definitely make a great wrestling manager.

Regardless of Jones's hyperbole, it is true that there is an attempt to not call Islam by its name, and to control the narrative regarding Muslims. But I'd say a large part of that is motivated by fear, more so than anything else. The idea prevalent among the left and liberals, is that if the West doesn't "bother" Muslims, and allows them to practise their traditions undisturbed, then they will stop committing acts of violence. We saw the same sort of policy regarding communists, and other "enemies" of the West, a policy of appeasement (which, to a point, bears fruit, but not so much when it extends to the level of controlling people's speech, generating resentment).

Controlling the narrative in the West doesn't really amount to shit anyway, while Western countries still bomb away in the Middle East. If I were being bombed by the Russians, I don't think I would really be overly concerned with any Russian attempt to prevent themselves from calling me mean names.
Alex is a paid zionist propagandist.
He would definitely make a great wrestling manager.

Regardless of Jones's hyperbole, it is true that there is an attempt to not call Islam by its name, and to control the narrative regarding Muslims. But I'd say a large part of that is motivated by fear, more so than anything else. The idea prevalent among the left and liberals, is that if the West doesn't "bother" Muslims, and allows them to practise their traditions undisturbed, then they will stop committing acts of violence. We saw the same sort of policy regarding communists, and other "enemies" of the West, a policy of appeasement (which, to a point, bears fruit, but not so much when it extends to the level of controlling people's speech, generating resentment).

Controlling the narrative in the West doesn't really amount to shit anyway, while Western countries still bomb away in the Middle East. If I were being bombed by the Russians, I don't think I would really be overly concerned with any Russian attempt to prevent themselves from calling me mean names.

Thanks for the comment. And for fear of being called Islamaphobes is for sure the main reason why the issue cannot be directly addressed. That Swedish government ad near the end Alex showed was twisted.
Alex Jones is alright you just have to know how to listen to him just like anyone. He says lots of good things.

But most leftists will jump all over him.
His claims that the FBI are covering g it up are absurd. If that was the case he wouldn't even have a show because he is a big whistle blower if it were the case. Alex needs to be more of a debator as oppose to this man with all the facts. I love how he is talking about this issue though he is kind of...sort of on the level with it.
Thanks for the comment. And for fear of being called Islamaphobes is for sure the main reason why the issue cannot be directly addressed. That Swedish government ad near the end Alex showed was twisted.

Just Swedes being Swedes. They were never much good unless they had someone else doing their fighting and labouring for them (see the drastic difference between the Swedish Empire during and after Finnish inclusion).

In Sweden, part of the campaign is influenced by the desire to create an "under-class" of immigrants that will allow the native "bättre folk" Swedes to sustain their lavish lifestyles without putting in as much physical work themselves.

The project, as of the moment, seems doomed for failure, though.
Just Swedes being Swedes. They were never much good unless they had someone else doing their fighting and labouring for them.

In Sweden, part of the campaign is influenced by the desire to create an "under-class" of immigrants that will allow the native "bättre folk" Swedes to sustain their lavish lifestyles without putting in as much physical work themselves.

The project, as of the moment, seems doomed for failure, though.

I would say. If that's the case like you said than in other words their greed has caused their country to be completely colonized more or less. Terrible stuff man. So many people getting hurt/killed/raped just so the top can retain their lifestyle
Alex Jones is alright you just have to know how to listen to him just like anyone. He says lots of good things.

But most leftists will jump all over him.
Yea all of the lizard people and "vampire, pot bellied goblin" talk lol has made it so everyone completely dismisses him even when he comes with some facts. That and the Sandy Hook being fake business....fucking nut job lol. I do love him for not being afraid to tackle this issue and say what he is saying. He's got balls. I admire that. Love how confrontational he is, him invading that Google press conference was gold.
There's not a paying Zionist organization.

He's paid by advertisers and broadcasts his beliefs.
Anyway you want it, the man is crazy, literally, he appeals only to people who can't think for themselves, and he has survived on idiotic fear mongering.

Anyway you want it, the man is crazy, literally, he appeals only to people who can't think for themselves, and he has survived on idiotic fear mongering.

Yup. Like you said fear mongering has kept him afloat all these years.
And another thing, lol:

I know I know....This guy is a nut, I love listening to his rants I find him hilarious. This man could cut one hell of a promo in pro wrastlin that's for sure....But while listening to him spouting on I came across this. He starts in 2-3 mins.....I found what he had to say very interesting. I try to get every side I can on this issue and so here I am listening to this maniac...But I found it interesting and am wondering if any War Room guys will give it a listen and tell me what they think.

What an unsourced claim.
Alex is a paid zionist propagandist.

Alex Jones proudly states he doesn't care if the country is majority brown, yellow, black, ect as long as they respect "MUH CONSTITUTION".

In the same breath he criticizes importing Islamic refugees into the states because they don't respect our ideals or culture.

Kinda shows how nonsensical his belief in civic nationalism is when he's unknowingly discrediting its validity with his anti refugee rants. It's like he knows it's an abstract ideal and just continues to run with it.

A shekel for a good goy, I suppose.
He would definitely make a great wrestling manager.

Regardless of Jones's hyperbole, it is true that there is an attempt to not call Islam by its name, and to control the narrative regarding Muslims. But I'd say a large part of that is motivated by fear, more so than anything else. The idea prevalent among the left and liberals, is that if the West doesn't "bother" Muslims, and allows them to practise their traditions undisturbed, then they will stop committing acts of violence. We saw the same sort of policy regarding communists, and other "enemies" of the West, a policy of appeasement (which, to a point, bears fruit, but not so much when it extends to the level of controlling people's speech, generating resentment).

Controlling the narrative in the West doesn't really amount to shit anyway, while Western countries still bomb away in the Middle East. If I were being bombed by the Russians, I don't think I would really be overly concerned with any Russian attempt to prevent themselves from calling me mean names.

His career wasn´t all that

god help me i loved that so much.

and he's mostly right
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